RO/DI help

im looking into getting an RO system. i have a 55 dt + 20 sump. i dont have more than 200 to spend. any past experince, other suggestions, or input is appreciated
Coralife Pure Flo II, 4 stage tfc, 50 gpd- 140
Seachem Pinnacle, 3 stage tfc, 50 gpd- 170
Kent full size RO, 3 stage tfc, 50 gpd- 200
also, do i need a 50 gpd. would a 35 be fine. again, any input is greatly appreciated (and needed)


You have quite a few options that will be $200 or under. I have the Hurricane, which is a RO/DI with a RO holding tank that hooks up to a faucet for drinking water as well. It's a 5 stage and rated at 75gpd. I am totally pleased with it. It is $220, but there are other options from the same vendor that are cheaper without the drinking water add on, so it just depends on what you want it to do. If you Google Hurricane RO/DI it will take you right to where I got mine.


I have an aqua safe systems under 100$ have had it for over a year and no problems