RO/Di making to much waste water


New Member
Okay so i just replaced all of my filters besides my RO membrane. And now it seems like it is making way to much waste water then before. Idk if im just not use to that much or do you think i should change the membrane? I also have never flushed the membrane like i should have for the past year because I didnt know i was suppose to cause i was a noob. Any answers?


Active Member
Well hard to tell....You said you didn't change the membrane, but all other filters.....Shouldn't really have affected the output of the waste line. What is your TDS reading on your production water......
As you probably already know there are quite a few things that can influence the production of water. Is it possible your source water is higher in TDS than before.....

bang guy

How much waste compared to the good water? What was it before?
What is the temperature of the water going into the RO?