
There is a 6 Stage RO/DI unit off E B A Y for $159.00 w/ free shipping. It is made for aquarium use and drinking water use. The seller seems legit, its a top rated seller, and has lots of other items for sell as well as attatchements and acessories for the RO/DI Unit, itself.
Should I buy this? Im not sure if I should or not because its of E B A Y and not from a Aquarium Online shop

tank a holic

Active Member
how many GPD is it???
I got my 100 GPD off that site and love it but it was like 125 i think.... it was also a 6 stage


Active Member
If it's the Water General one, it's okay. I have that one, err, what's left if it.
The RO membrane is a G&E filter, not a DOW. Personally with 110gpd, it's unnecessary, and the rejection is pretty low compared to a 75gpd. This means more junk passes to the DI. Which brings me to;
The DI stage, those horizontal DI's are pretty worthless. You can't pack a DI canister tight enough to not have a water channel across the top. You want a 10" vertical DI stage.
Last the 6-stage. If it's a carbon stage, this is only for taste for human consumption. The carbon stage will actually add TDS back into the water after the DI.
For the money, you don't come out any better. After the $139, the DI exhausts very quickly, so for a new vertical DI is $40, a new membrane w/flow restrictor for another $40.
Your better spending a little more ($160 or so) for a real RO/DI from TheFilterGuys, Buckeye Field Supply, Purely H2O...


Ok I will look into those instead. Thank you. I didnt want to get something that was from an unnamed brand.
Always better to trust the pro's

EDIT: Just checked thefilter guys. They have a OCEAN WAVE+ FIVE STAGE 75 GPD RO/DI for 160.00. Should I get this? Does this come with the stuff needed to install and run it? Like filters and such? Do I need to buy any of the addons? I'd prefer to just set up up and fianlly get some true RO/DI water in my tank. This is my first unit.


Active Member
You'll definitely want to get a TDS meter to monitor the unit. They are a bit expensive there. Though not too bad (about $15 on e-bay for the same).
For other add-ons, yea, they came ready to install. The only other thing would be on how you plan to install it. Personally I have might installed in the laundry room, with an inline adapter, so I don't have to disconnect the washing machine to use the RO/DI. And I just ran the drain line the washer drain. I would call and talk to them and they should get you the right stuff. One year I asked for replacement filters as a Christmas present. They walked my Mom through the order and I got exactly what I asked for. That was the first time in a long time I've heard her something that positive about a company in a long while.


Active Member
The big thing I would look for is replacement filter cost and availability. Nothing like getting a cheap system where you can't find replacement filters or they cost a bunch. JMO on that.
AirWaterIce dot com is where I got my setup and easy to order replacement packs. My .02


Im pretty sure Im going to going with xxxxxxxxxxx They seem pretty reliable, Ive heard good reviews, I see many people with their units, and they have lots of accessories. Thank you for your advice Jackri
I dont have that much room under my kitchen sink or laundry room but I have much more room underneath my upstairs bathroom which is one room down from my room with my main tank.
I dont know anything about it other than it pumps water whenever I turn it on
What would I need to hook it up there? And if I just order the unit and cant figure out which place to put it, can I go to Lowes or HD and get the parts I need?