RO/DI set ups


I am looking into getting a RO/DI but would like to see how others have set up their own. I am thinking of putting it on my back porch. Should I keep it out of direct light? Do I use a power head to move the water around? If you have pictures of your please post. Thanks


Active Member
search for aquasafecanada on e bay, high quality units for a good price, its really doesnt get any better than them.


Active Member
its funny to see ppl telling others to use kents and such when all they are paying for is a sticker that says kent. ro/du units are not rocket science and very easy to make and replace. why pay over 200 bucks for something that isnt even as good as a 6 stage for 100 bucks.


Does it freeze where you live? If so, you dont want to put the unit outside. If you have a garage that is a good place to mount it.