Currently, my waste water is running down the drain for the washing machine, but I am going to learn from the example of the other guys here and start using it for my yard to conserve water. Making the hole in the wall to run the product water was easy for me, as the wall in sheetrock. I simply used a power drill with a 1/4" bit to drill a small hole in the wall next to the shelf my RO/DI unit sits on, which is on the opposite side of the wall as my tank room. I then used a long, thin steel rod inserted into the hole to poke a tiny hole in the opposite side of the wall, and used the drill to open the corresponding hole to the proper size. With careful aim, you can simply push the hose through the holes and out to the other side of the wall. If you don't like the look of an empty hole in the wall when the hose is pulled out, you can either hang a picture frame over it, or put rubber grommets in the holes to give it a slightly more finished look. Or, you can go the easy route and run your product water into a new, sterile trash can and use a good, strong pump to pump it into your tank. lol Either way, always remember to keep a close eye on your water level when the unit is running. Ask me how many times I've flooded my floor by distracting myself while the RO was on. rofl