RO/DI unit questions


New Member
Since I am in the process of setting up my 55gal reef tank, I was considering purchasing a RO/DI unit. I've seen them priced from $50 to $400! Do you get what you pay for? Anyone have any thoughts or comments about different brands and where to get one? I will have to keep the unit in the basement, so auto-top off isn't an option I really care about (unless I can convince my wife to let me drill a hole in the living room floor, but I doubt it! ) I was thinking of having it drain into a covered 55gal plastic trashcan (new, of course) and then being able to draw water from it to top off and make replacement saltwater. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Sounds like a good idea to me. As far as which ones are better, I believe there are only two manufacturers of filters and they are both good quality although some aquarists swear by one specific brand. What you have to decide is how many pre-filters you want and do you want the final filter to be DI. Also, how many gallons per day do you need is a factor. You decide. The most important thing is that the unit is producing 0-1 ppm of TDS. The only way you can check this is to buy a TDS meter. That's how you know when to replace the filters.
IMO, buy what you want for the least amount of $$$ and get a TDS meter.


----.....I've used mines for about a year now and I think it works great....110gpd 6stage ro/di for under 200$....just remember to change the filters every 6 or so months...


Not to hijack, this is more of an add-on:
Is it acceptable to hook a RO/DI filter up to my kitchen faucet? I would rather use the filter all the time rather than just to fill/top off my tank. I'm pretty sure all the stuff the water comes out of is lead/harmful stuff free.
There are a lot of filters on ---- for $70 that say they are good for 100 gallons/day for a year. That is probably what I'll get along with one of those TDS meters if it is really needed.


Active Member
You can get a TDS meter for around 30 dollars and up. :)
If you check that big auction site, you may be able to find a used one for even cheaper.
I recently ordered a 50gpd four stage RO/DI system online for $160.00. It was the best and most affordable one I could find brand new. :D


Yes you can install it at the kitchen sink, but be sure to get one with the storage tank so you have a reserve of water available. It's only about 2-3 gallons, but it's enough to fill a juice jug or to cook some food with quickly. And you should be able to find a brand new 6 stage 100 gpd RO/DI with the storage tank for around $100. Check that big auction site...