RO / DI water storage


New Member
So I have been lurking on this forum for some time, learning from you guys everyday and finally got up the nerve to post. So I have a newly obtained RO / DI unit and will be storing the water in a new trash can. I was wanting to know a good way to clean the can of any contaminants that may have come it’s way while it was in the store. Any answers are appreciated Thanks.


White viniger and water 50/50 in a spray bottle. Thats what I use on everything I clean for my tank. Just rinse everything off with RO water.


Active Member
A new can for sure. under $20 at hardware store.
Then simply put some vinigar and water in a spray bottle and clean the can.
You dont have to go all out. a light 5 min wipe down of the inside and a rinse will be more than enough on a new can. its safe.