ro/di water


New Member
Got my 100 gpd ro/di unit couple week ago. Mixed up 15gal let sit in garage with a pump going for about 6 days. Went to do water change today so i tested the ro/di water. And there were levels of amonia,nitrite,and nitrate. Seems the water is cycling for some reason:thinking: So my question is, is this normal? Did i let it sit to long? I thought ro/di water was supose to be pure. Turned on the unit filled up a glass tested that water. amonia 0,nitrite 0, nitrate 0. ph 7 and alk 0.:help: Next time only going to let mix for 24 hours.


24 hrs. First few with PH only to make sure everything is in solution. Then I add a heater to bring it to tank temp.
I agree with Bigarn. something leached somehow. how did u rinse ur test tubes? If they weren't rinsed well, maybe there was residue?
I use food grade 5 gal buckets and haven't ever had a leaching problem.


New Member
i used one of thoes dipping sticks that reads that reads the five different things ph,alk,nitrite,nitrate,water hardness. Im pretty sure the test is right because my tank test ok. guess im gunna have to change mixing container. and i want to think every one for their imput. Its really helping through the first part of my new hobbie.