
chris s

I have been using water from my RO and it has 25pts TDS and the well we get water from has 425pts TDS. (our crappie well water was the reason we had to get the RO) However I would Like to get a RO/DI. Note I am going to be moving in less then a year. I didnt know if a 100GPD RO/DI would work with my high TDS. The Water Man said 225 TDS needs something done to it to drink it. Also I am getting a small algae problem. Is this from the water or my new MH.


The amount it produces in a day doesn't have anything to do with how many dissolved solids your water has in it. Get how ever big a unit you think you will need. You should be able to judge that off of the unit you currently have. I will tell you that the readings your getting on your current unit are too high. The filters need to be replaced and the membrane needs backflushing.
BTW, your water man is just trying to sell you something. My city water here in Las Vegas has around a 700 reading and they let people drink that! I don't, but it's deemed safe.


Active Member
Is the algae brown and dusty? If so it is diatoms and most likely due to the new mh lighting. How long have you had the mh and how many hours a day?
Water quality issues would probably bring on the greener algaes like hair algae.

chris s

Stokes my water guy isnt trying to pull anything over my eyes "I Think". But he has been a friend of a friend for a long time and I am not even buying my RO/DI from him. I live with my parents so when I graduate college I want to be able to take my RO/DI with me. But I was told by someone here that if your TDS are too high then your RO/DI wont work right. I dont know. I just dont want to buy something that is going to get me back were started in the first place.
Wrassecal - I do have brown fuzzy algae. It is hard to get off the glass if you dont go over it everyday with a mag. I had to use a razor blade when I got back from vaccation. I know blades and glass dont mix but it worked out fine. I have my MH on for about 10 hours and compacts for about 12 hrs.
ps. I have always had green aglae in my tank but it is minimal. I did see a spot where it was getting out of control, hope the emeralds get it.


Active Member
If you decide to go with an RO/DI unit be sure to get a quality membrane. The DOW FilmTec 100gpd membrane has a much lower rejection rate, 90%, as opposed to the 98% rejection rate of the 75 gpd rate. This means with your high TDS water the 75gpd membrane will keep your DI cartridge lasting much longer.

chris s

Ok well then good so I can get the 100GPD and just get a new 75GPD Film Tec membrane. Thanks Nas and everyone else.


I'm still not sure why someone is saying if the readings are too high it won't work properly. I can tell you though, if your water pressure is too low it won't work properly and you'll need a booster pump to correct that.