Ro / DI


I have my first saltwater aquarium set up. It's 75 gallons and I would like to have some suggestions about what RO/DI Filter I should buy. I would assume that I don't need anything too large since I can save up the RO for water changes. I'm tired of going to my LFS and paying money for something I could do at home.
I have checked out some RO units at my hardware stores and auction websites but would like to hear some info from more experienced aquarists.


Active Member
if it is already setup and you plan on using it exclusively for your tank, then go with a cheaper/lower gallon per day unit.. i have a drinking water ro system.. no di, but my ro drops the ph (all in freshwater readings) from 7.2 to 6.2, and takes the alk from 2.0 from the tap to 0 from the ro.. i need more tests to see exactly how many metals get past the ro unit i have, but i am sure it is minimal.. alot of people have success with their tap water..
mine does 10 gallons per day and i got my water from store to fill it up so it would be faster..


Active Member
oh yea i water my plants with ro and i wish i took a before and after pic on that! they are blooming like crazy and greener then when i bought em.


Active Member
mine does 10gpd..not too much but enought that i always have jugs full for when im gonna need to do a waterchange... most would recomment a ro/di unit as they are the same price, but i wanted it mostly for the drinking water, using it for tank is just a perk.. i got a GE for a little over 150.. u can get a ro/di for the same price that does more gpd.. im sure u could drink that water too lol


I have heard about the Corallife RO/DI unit and that it is better than other drinking water units because it takes into account water for aquariums and works on the amount of silicates and other trace elements.
Has anybody else heard of this? Is it worth an extra 30% to buy the corallife brand instead of GE just because of the brand name?


I got the 110 gpd unit from the big auction site. I love it. I have a 55 and I couldn't keep carrying all the water I needed for changes up the stairs. It works great and I've had very good service from the company. If you search RO/DI you should get a site that sells FILTER DIRECT.


Did you decide to get rid of it? Last time we talked you said that you were thinking about keeping it.
Let me know the price you want and if we can still meet up for some buttons and shrooms.