

I have a Kent Hi-S RO/DI system. The membrane needs to be replaced, but the one I found online for it is like $120 bucks, that a lil high for something or is that what they run for?


Active Member
Are you sure it's the membrane that needs replacing, or do you need new cartridges? Membranes usually last a couple of years. My Typhoon III Extreme replacement membrane is around $60.


The unit is 2.5 years old. I change out the filters on a regular basis, and just recently changed the resin bed. Its pushing out 40ppm, I don't know why, but I'm trying to combat this nasty green hair algae outbreak and the only thing I can narrow it down to is my Ro/Di system.

Originally Posted by coraljunky
Are you sure it's the membrane that needs replacing, or do you need new cartridges? Membranes usually last a couple of years. My Typhoon III Extreme replacement membrane is around $60.


If you are pushing 40 ppm your membrane is probably trash. Do a google search for the type of membrane including length and diameter including galday. Usually they can be replaced for a lot less than $125.


Ill check google, I looked all over the unit for the GPh, can't find anything. I noticed the resin-bed which I changed out a few months back is almost exhausted to?? I thought those where good for a couple years or 3,000g? I know i did not produce nothing near that in the past few months.
Originally Posted by snickers104
If you are pushing 40 ppm your membrane is probably trash. Do a google search for the type of membrane including length and diameter including galday. Usually they can be replaced for a lot less than $125.


It depends on how well your membrane is functioning. If you have a rinse valve for your membrane run it about 15 minutes to rinse your membrane.


Its a Kent Hi-s Ro/di 35gph, cheapest membrane so far is $90 bucks, do I have to get the exact same one or can it be a generic?


Below is the closest membrane I could find. It's rated for up to 60 gpd. The only thing is, if you look at the diagram the distance from one end of the membrane body to the other (C) is 10", mine is 10 3/8". I don't know if it will through if off that much, being I have to push the current membrane down into the canister housing about a .5" inch to seat it properly. Any ideas?
