Active Member
This is so frustrating, I replaced my sediment, carbon and DI filters the first of Jan, I also bought a TDS meter finally so I would know when to change the filters. I have recently been fighting a small patch of cyano in tank, with little luck. I tested my RO water and it was still 0, I replaced my sediment filter but didn't replace the carbon thinking it should last another couple of months. Well today the RO/DI water is at .003 TDS, I tested it for ammonia and Nitrite (with freswater test) and they are both 0, the thing is the water smells horrible, that was my only clue, smells like dead fish. Obviously it is time to change the Carbon filter and I am going to go ahead and change the sediment again, but I don't get what could be causing the smell if I test .003 TDS and ammonia and nitrite are 0.
Just by testing the water I would think it was fine, but since it smells like that I don't think I should use it.
Just by testing the water I would think it was fine, but since it smells like that I don't think I should use it.