RO Filters

digital storm

New Member
I've just been looking at some RO units...But Ive got a question...What's the difference between a unit purchased at a Fish Store and say a Hardware store? Besides the 100-200 bucks...I'm guessing the end quality of water...


No difference except the price ... the main consideration is do you want an RO unit only or an RO/DI unit, this choice would be based on the quality of your water to begin with. The only other consideration is how much water per day do you want to produce and this would be based on you use for the water i.e. aquarium only, ice-maker, drinking water etc.
Good luck and check the thread titled "RO unit" in this forum for some more good information.


Hmmm I got my unit at Home Depot and love it. I've tested every parameter possible and all readings are zero so I don't know how much better it could be.
Just my .02 as usual,



Originally posted by BigMac
When you say "test" what test would those be?
Take for instants the Micron cartridge. Most water RO systems I have seen use a 5 Mircron cartridge. Spectrapure uses a .05 micron cartridge. Now I'm not saying the unit form HD wont work, I'm just stating the difference between the two.

You must be careful also , if you have a very fine filter, yes it will filter great but if you have old pipes you will get sediement and will clog your filter very fast. so balance all your filters depending also the condition of the pipes.
good luck



Originally posted by BigMac
This is just one more reason to have better filter. Its a lot cheaper to replace the sediment filter then the RO membrane. Your statement almost says NOT to have fine filters and let the sediment through, is that what your saying?

Did you really think that ; No what I am saying for peple that don't no to much about ro filters that with bad pipes it will clog and if a very fine filter is used still it might get cloged. .5 or 5 will not make much of a diffrent to most reef keepers, it almost makes it to sterile of water and buying fish from stores who donot use that fine of filtration ( might have a impact to that sterile tank ) IMO