RO or tap water


some people do, but most us RO water. Tap water can have things in it not good for your aquarium. and depending on your water type where you leave it could be better or worse than normal. I'm fairly new at this, so i don't know all the problems it can cause, but I've heard everyone say don't use tap, so I don't. you can get jugs of RO water at your local grocery store for less than a dollar a gallon.


Tap water can have trace elements including - Chlorine, Phosphates, and even Copper(pipes)....I am sure there are many more that I left off.
Chlorine can be solved with a de-chlorinator.
Phosphates will lead to algae outbreaks like you have never imagined.
Copper can be lethal to fish and corals if high enough doses.


nowhere will anyone give you advice to use tapwater in a saltwater tank. you'll eventuall get all sorts of algae you don't want.
A decent ro/di unit does not cost all that much when you combine all the costs of this hobby. the ro/di should be one of the first things to get.


I wouldn't say "nowhere" but, I agree it is much easier to avoid problems by using RO/DI. Many LFS do us tap water, but they also test and treat it.


Active Member
I use tap, never had a problem.... and I'm live in a town previously famous for its mineral springs and water and such. (artesian wells and the like) But I also use distilled water alot, for larger water changes, but when setting up a tank and doing top offs, I use tap water. But I WILL agree, RO is best.


Active Member
it depends on the quality of your tap water. Some people's tap water is very good, some very bad.
Mix up a small container of salt water using your tap water, then take it to an LFS and have them run a full battery of tests on it (or do the tests at home if you have all the kits) and see what it's like. Play particular attention to ammonia, nitrates and phosphates. That will tell you whether or not it is safe to use your tape water.