ro remineralization


New Member
i'm not dripping kalk yet, but i read that adding aragonite sand to my 32 gal. can will boost calcium, any comments? and if so, what -just dump a 20lb bag of natures ocean , right in ?


Active Member
someone will know more info on this than I do, but if I am not mistaken, in order for aragonite to dissolve and boost calcium, it has to be at a low pH. Lower than what is desired for a reef tank. So, in other words, no aragonite will probably not boost calcium unless it is in a reactor. I think that this is how calcium reactors work


New Member
red sea mini lab calcium test states ' users of ro water should add calcium by putting coral sand, crushed coral or dolomite in their water storage tank or by using a calcium additive' so iassumed aragonite to be coral . maybe wiser to use the bag for dsb and get the crushed coral.

bang guy

Adding Aragonite to RO water will ad a small amount of Calcium and Carbonate to the water. Not enough to sustain a dense coral population, but it will add a little. The PH of RO water is close to 7.0, low enough to slowly dissolve Aragonite.


New Member
i use reef crystals but after a 25% change ,calcium is practically ziltch, then add turbo calcium until it levels off ,then use esv, but i need twice the calcium part. doing bimonthly changes, battling 40ppm nitrates. only have 4 fish in 80 tank. is red sea better mineralized, i tried the aragamight but its too white and settles on everything.