RO Unit.. And Aparment



I live in an apartment and I was wondering if there are any good RO Units that could be used in that type of setting?


Yeah, non-permanent. Something I can put out of the way (since i don't have a basement or garage) etc.


Does anyone have a recommendation for a smaller one that can be easily be hooked up in an apartment setting?


I have a kent barebones cta 10 GPD Ro. I think it works great i also live in an apartment you can use the fasut adaptur for like $5 hooks up to the kichen sink. and you can mount it in to the wall with small screws. which is good because most places dont like you mounting things unless there small holes. like for hanging pictures. i got the 10 gpd because i only have a 75gal tank so i do 15 gal water change every 2 weeks and it only take 2 days to make the water another + is that you can run the waste water right into the sink. mine cost about $80 check it out on kents website. :happy:


Active Member
dont waste your money on something like 10gpd that ro membrane has no life to it. check out e bay great units there mine produces 0 tds 6 stage ro/di 100 GPD membrane is will last 5-6 years easy. i fill a 36 gallon trash can in a couple hrs, and can be mounted under the sink. u can do a little plumbing for a easy in and out unit for cheap. GL


the 10 gpd that i was talking about has a 5 year life
and it sounds like yours you have to pirce the pulming lines.
35 GPD is nice but what would he use it for. Thats great you can do 35gpd so do you do a 35 water change evey day to get your moneys worth or just do a 15 and store the extra 20 gals a day.
It donsent make sence to me to buy a big ro unit if im only going to use it once every 2 weeks and store the rest of the time. Also playing wiith the pluming some Apartments will keep your security deposit for that.
Also i go with a name i trust. Some of those RO dont even state there for aquariums


Is that unit from ---- any good? It seems too cheap to me. I mean $86 for a 6 stage ro/di? Logic tells me something must be up. If it's ok I may have to pick one of these up. That's so cheap.

salty cheese

Active Member
I have 6 stage RO/DI unit under my(rented) kitchen sink.
It' about 14"x17" in size so you shouldn't have problem fitting it in.:yes:


Gosh.. Thank You! I'm new to the whole RO Unit game. I have no idea what units are "good" and which ones i'll get ripped off on. If anyone else has any good information please share it. I would be greatly appreciative!!


FWIW, I also live in an Apt. and got my RO/DI hooked up today. This SOB is going to take a month to fill my tank. Mine says 110 a day. Yeah right! I'll be able to get 40 a day. Looks like alot of beer drinking this weekend:D


Active Member
never heard of a 110 a day, i think its prolly a 100. that just means thats what your membrane is rated at doesnt mean thats what you will get. sounds like you have really cold water or low water pressure. anyways its easy to hook them up under your sink without major plumbing hassles and drink the water make ice cook with whatever you want todo. you should get a TDS meter, then you know when to replace filters and such. if u get a TDS reading of 0 thats perfect water and the unit doesnt have to say its for "aquariums" only.

salty cheese

Active Member
I bought the one from filter direct, it takes about 12 hours to fill a 32 gal tub but the water pressure in my apt. isn't that great. Other than that I haven't hade a problem.HTH


How much pressure do you need to get the max output on most units? I would rather get a higher output so I don't have to go away while it is running. How much water is wasted?


Filter Direct had a # of Neg. Feedbacks on e-bay (I like to see less than .1%, they had .8%). One even said their filters were no good for reef water. Any comments?:help: