RO UNit - Membrane Question


Active Member
Looks like my 1 yr old PureFloII RO/DI unit needs a new membrane. Last night I let it run all night and it only produced 8 gallons of water.
Question is I noticed online those replacement cartridges from other Aquarium related online order shops is $85-100, but I see the same relative stuff at Home Depot / Lowes for $45-55.
I was thinking of replacing it with a higher flo membrane to make the job of 60g water changes a little quicker. Anyone ever bought one from a HW store instead of the FIsh shops? Did it work ok?
For the price of the membrane and filters I can just about get a whole new unit. Just trying to decide what I want to do.


Active Member
un hook and reverse the red and blue lines going into the membrane and run it like that for about 15 minutes. That will flush the membrane aout and you should be ok.
If you do need a new hard for dow filmtec membranes and you can find a 50 gpd membrane for $38 if you look hard enuf.

mx mr bean

my gosh thats genius! i never would of thought of that. thanks for saving me money instead of getting a flush kit