RO unit problem

This has happened a few times to me. I hear the RO waste water running in the drain. Just a trickle noise. It does this for a while after I use some ro water. But now and a gain, it will continue running all day....or overnight.
Does this mean that the membrane needs changing or is something stuck? I turn of f the supply and use up the available water, Turn it back on and everything returns to normal.
It is a unit that I bought frome lowe's, I do not know the name at the moment.


Active Member
u need a TDS meter to know how your membrane is preforming. does your unit have a ro membrane flush? and do u have it hooked up correct? sure sounds like u got the waste water and the ro water mixed up
It is hooked up correctly. It has been working nicely for 18 months or so, but every now and a gain, it will do the constant run thing. After I turn the water off, it stops. Then it doesn't do the constant run thing for quite some time.
No, I do not have a TDS meter. My water runs through a water softener with a 5 stage filter including carbon.


Active Member
I'd check out AWI and get a dual TDS meter to measure the input and output water to determine condition of filters