RO unit producing very little water


New Member
I bought an RO unit many years ago and have been producing RO water for my tank every since. I did not know at the time, but my RO unit seems to be under-producing. I get about one gallon per day. The LFS says that all RO units should produce a lot more than that. Since my RO unit has not slowed down over the years, I assume it is not a clogged filter. I have replaced the first filter a few times, even though it says it can last for many more gallons than I produce. Some research makes me think I might have low water pressure. I bought a water pressure tester, but have not tried it yet. Has anyone else had a similar issue? Anyone have any other suggestions? I have tested my RO water, and it is perfect.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
causes for low water production low source water pressure, high total dissolved solids, low temperture source water and clogged prefilter any and all of those will cause low ro water output

florida joe

Well-Known Member
no you have a clog some where even with low water pressure you should get more then one gallon a day


Active Member
There's no real way to answer this question beyond speculation until you find out what your water pressure actually is...

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Im assuming your using house supply water how is your pressure at your sink
if its ok move your RO to a different sourcs in your home you may have a clog at the sourse which you are using and not your RO I mean for a one gallon a day RO you would have to have almost no water pressure at the source


I agree with trying a different location. I just got one and hooked it up in the laundry room with a hose Y-adapter from the garden section in Lowes. I'm betting something isnt right in your set up either. I'd try taking it all apart and putting it back together to make sure that it didnt come assembled incorrectly. Good luck!


what is a normal flow rate for ro/di units. What is the average gpd you get out of a common system?


Originally Posted by travis99
what is a normal flow rate for ro/di units. What is the average gpd you get out of a common system?
They vary, some 50 gpd, some (like my typhoonIII ) does 75 gpd, some 100gpd. There is a restriction, or low pressure somewhere. You may even have a clogged first filter cartridge.


New Member
I tested my water pressure from the sink I was using the RO unit on, and it was 92 psi. Is that too low? Does that explain why I only get 1 gpd? If not, then it must be a clog.