RO Unit


I am planning on buying the "AuquFX 3 Stage Dolphin Aquarium Reverse Osmosis System" to be used as my RO unit. Would the output of this system be good for drinking water as well?
- Og


Not really good for drinking water because it takes everything out of it and I mean everything! That includes the flouride content as well. If you don't have children and don't mind the lack of fluoride then it will be pretty tasty!!!


You can buy special units for producing drinking water, but I wouldn't drink from a fish tank designed RO/DI unit. No minerals or anything left so what's the point.


So if I go with the Culligan Mans RO Unit, that will be good for drinking.... but would that also be good my tank? Read the brochures on both, they both seem to remove the same amount of the same stuff.... or is there a difference between the two that I'm not aware of??
- Og


Active Member
RO water is safe to drink - from any source. RO is RO - water that has passed through a semi-permeable membrane. Most of the minerals have been removed.
DI or deionized water is a much different story. DI water has been stripped of all ions, and is very aggressive. It will hurt your insides if you drink it.


Og, I think the Aquafx 3 stage is just RO, so it is fine to drink. If it is the 4 stage with di, you will get more conflicts. Some say yes, others no. You can also then tee off before the DI to drink the RO if you like. You can contact Marianne of Aquafx for more information. If you drink from DI, you may find a funny taste due the the resins, she recommends a post filter after the DI if you want to drink it.
The only concern for me is the flouride since I have young children.