RO unit ?



was thinking about buying an ro unit ( tired of buying ro water for LFS) and was wondering if the Coralife pure-flo II was any good. 3 stage ro unit produces 24 gpd. i want to spend maybe 100-$150 and a ro unit. please recommend a good unit if this one sucks. :notsure:


Active Member
I'd recommend AirWaterIce Typhoon III anyday over the Coralife or most other units as well.......Spectrapure makes a super nice units, but a bit pricey, but for the best bang, AirWaterIce Typhoon III $179.00


Active Member
I am a fan of the Kent Marine Hi-S Maxxima units. A 35gpd unit is about 185 bucks, and if you order it from *cough* marine depot *cough* you get free shipping.


I second on the air water ice, however, as many people do not bother with the fast flush and such, (up to you) you could get away with the slightly less expensive typhoon. The III has the extra little features to try and extend the life of your membrane (which i used to be good about a few years ago) but now that i have everything automated, I never deal with, as they are things you would do periodically or before filling something up.
Either way is a good option though.