RO Units


Active Member
Originally Posted by airforceb2
Not to mention, the RO/DI water tastes awesome...or well...doesn't taste like anything at all. So you are also getting all the bottled water you could ever want.
Can I get an AMEN!!!!!!!!
I don't drink my RO water, but you can get the deal with the holding tank so you don't have to buy bottled water.....How do we know places like Walmart and such are properly maintaining their units??? We don't!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by DSkidmore

I stand by the statement, on a pure cost basis. If you're paying 33 cents a gallon and using 5 or fewer gallons per week, or paying 50 cents a gallon and using 3 or fewer gallons per week, you are better off buying the water than filtering.

My problem with this whole topic isn't saving money, its quality. How do you guysgals who buy your water knows its top notch? These machines are for drinking not reef tanks so the rejection rate is probably 90% at best. I'm all for people saving money, more important I'm for people doing the best for their critters.
RO units are not cheap to buy or use. They waste a lot of water (I'm plumbing my waste water to my veggie garden) The filters have to be maintained and replaced. The good is there's no carrying buckets, no wasting gas and your sure your getting the best water quality.


Active Member
very useful info here. thanks everyone. i am narrowing my decision. its between the typhoon 3 or the one from the auction site.


Active Member
Originally Posted by golfish
(I'm plumbing my waste water to my veggie garden)
I was wondering if I could get away with that here in the great north. I'd have to have a couple valves and a T so I could shut down that line in winter.


Active Member
Wouldn't be hard to do at all, and you would need a "T" and a quick connect shut off valve.....I just finished up the plumbing in the fishroom and that's sorta what I've done....

king bubba

IMO, don't forget that hindsight thing. All you need is one batch of bad store bought water to wipe out some animals and the question changes from "should I have a unit?" to "which unit should I have?"


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
Wouldn't be hard to do at all, and you would need a "T" and a quick connect shut off valve.....I just finished up the plumbing in the fishroom and that's sorta what I've done....
Two shutoff valves, don't want my sink wastewater going down that way.


Active Member
I use 2 shut off valves due to getting the most out of the RO units need to be a certain temp and at times the water is way to cold.....That way I can adjust the warm water when needed and when you want to water the garden you just open the valve and let it flow and if not shut it off and then you'll have to do something with the waste water..
They do make units that reprocess the waste water....Don't know much about them, but if that is a major concern search for such units


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
They do make units that reprocess the waste water....Don't know much about them, but if that is a major concern search for such units
I'm not concerned about wasting the water, but my garden would appriciate the extra minerals. A system that recirculated the waste water would likely produce less pure water. The more times you run the same waste particles by, the more of them will be forced through the membrane.