ro units


do all ro units give waste water. and if so what do u do with the waste water. i just do see losing water that could be a lot of money to lose


Active Member
I've heard that there is supposedly a zero waste water unit but I dont now how it works. If you're concerned about wasting water you could always save it for doing laundry or use it outside for watering plants and your lawn.


Active Member
It's not a lot of money. RO units do generate waste water but they don't run all the time. A RO unit only runs as long as it takes to fill up its reserve tank. Then it shuts off. Yes you will waste gallons of water, but you use much more taking a shower or flushing a toilet.
The waste water simply goes down the drain. It is concentrated with dissolved metals and chemicals and so I would not try to reuse it for anything. Usually you attach an adapter to your sink's drain and then you run the RO unit's waste hose down the drain through that adapter.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sly
It's not a lot of money. RO units do generate waste water but they don't run all the time. A RO unit only runs as long as it takes to fill up its reserve tank. Then it shuts off. Yes you will waste gallons of water, but you use much more taking a shower or flushing a toilet.
The waste water simply goes down the drain. It is concentrated with dissolved metals and chemicals and so I would not try to reuse it for anything. Usually you attach an adapter to your sink's drain and then you run the RO unit's waste hose down the drain through that adapter.
That only applies if the particular RO unit has a reserve tank, which many don't. What you can do is install a float valve in your good water tank that will shut off the flow when it is full.


right now im using that filter the hooks to the sink. it only has waste when u first start the new filter then its fine but the filter onlyl last like 50 gallons of filtering then u need a new one. im filling up garabge cans so how would the ro know its full?


Active Member
That sounds like it is just a DI filter. Is it the tall green canister that says "Tap Water Filter" on it? If you get an RO/DI unit it will take the place of that, and it will create wastewater. Mine makes about 3 times as much wastewater as it does good, clean water.
There is a thing called a float valve which would get mounted in your garbage can where your filtered water goes. That hooks up to a solenoid that basically throws a switch when the can is full that'll shut down the water flow.