Ro water at walmart.


Active Member
They sell it in 1 or 2 gal containers, I need 75 gal. Once you buy their container, its cheap fill ups, but don't want to make all those trips back and forth, do you think they would let me bring 5 gal containers that my spring water comes in?


Is there not a fish store around you who can supply water?
I know this isnt the best idea, but alot of times I do my initial fillup with tap water and just dechlorinate.


Active Member
No fish store near enough, and don't have large enough containers to drive back and forth to refill get refills anyway. I do have 20 gal of distilled, maybe I should just use what I have then use tap, its a 75 gal.


i went to one of those ro/di machines. they have them outside of the store. i just filled up a garbage can in the back of my truck and lifted it out with my roomate. i only had 25 gallons though.
call around to places like alhambra. i took a 5 gallon water jug to one of those places (alhambra water jug they deliver) and they traded me my empty one for a full one and i just paid 25cents a gallon.


i just use tap water also... it has to cycle anyway, so why would bacteria care whether its RO? just dont toss your live rock in before you have dechlorinated it somehow.


Active Member
You can take your empty 1 gallon jugs to walmart and let the old man greeter at the door put a sticker one them.... then you can refill those at thr RO machine. I do that and get about 10 gallons for $2.50. It is better this way because you don't have to get bust a gut carrying the enormous bottles, you can carry the 1 gallon ones with the handles.


I'm not sure the problem with tap water has anything to do with the bacteria, it's more about what other minerals are in the water, like phosphates and silicates that feed algae and diatoms. I had diatoms pretty bad at first (I filled with tap), and they didn't go away until after several months of regular water changes and some Seagel. It wasn't that big of a deal, just an aggravation. However, I have well water, not city water, so I don't know if that feeds into it or not. Just something to think about.


Active Member
My walmart charges more then that. You have to first buy their container, their 1 gal container is 109.00 each, multiply that by 75.00, plus filling up 75 1 gal jugs would be tough!
The water is also in the store, back in the very back of store, not outside like some.


Buy a plastic garbage can fill half full with water. With walmart as long as you pay for the water and don't make a mess on the floor. No one will say anything to you. Remember it's easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for premission. If you don't feel right about doing that ask to speak to the manager and ask premission to buy and fill the garbage can up with water. The customer is always right and walmart might even let you return the unused water. LOL Remember that a garbage can be heavy if you fill it to much. I don't think it would be a problem.
Good luck and be sure to post back on what happens.


Active Member

Originally posted by puffer32
They sell it in 1 or 2 gal containers, I need 75 gal. Once you buy their container, its cheap fill ups, but don't want to make all those trips back and forth, do you think they would let me bring 5 gal containers that my spring water comes in?

wow that is just so "the expensive route". I cant believe how much money I have saved by buying an RO unit. You should really consider it as an option.
Good water changes are SOOO important in a saltwater system and you'll find yourself not wanting to do them when it cost money buying water. Especially if your out of water and it would require you going out shopping to get more before you could do a water change. ...


Active Member
deffinetly going to get a small RO/DI for water changes, but wanted to do the initial set up with a quick 75 gal. The trash can might work, I will ask at Walmart if I can do that. Thanks.


Active Member
The RO machines in the walmart or located by the beer, everyone knows where the beer is :p

Also, walmart RO water also uses carbon filtration, UV filter, and two other steps I can't remember.


Active Member
I would know know where the beer was IF walmarts in Pa sold it, which they do not

Seriously though, I am dragging my feet about buying an RO unit because I just don't know how they work and if they cause slow water pressure in the sink. I am just reluctant to get one. I had a cheap one once that hooked up to my fauchet and when you turned the water on the hose popped off. I know the better ones that go under the sink are much better, but still am just not sure:notsure:


i dont see how you cant have an ro machine outside of a store somewhere, have you looked around? here we have one outside safeway, one outside walmart, and a store that just sells ro/di water like the drinking water places. look for one of those and see if theyd let you borrow like 15 of those 5 gallon office cooler jug things.
i know the place by me lets me do it, i just keep a full one in my house and use it for top offs as well.


Active Member
Well they don't! I live in the sticks, where the horse and buggy amish people live. We have a big walmart and afew strip malls. You have to travel for anything you can't find in these stores. I have a jeep, so I could get alot of water in 1 trip, but when i go to my lfs its an hr away, and they have everything you can think of, its a warehouse, and HUGE! But do not seel RO or even their own water to customers. I will think of something.............thanks.


damn man, id say get an ro unit then, i only have to drive like a block to get my water from one of those machines...
save yourself the hassle, but i guess ask walmart if you could fill up a garbage can, and then borrow one of their carts to bring them to your jeep :D


Active Member
I am a women lol, my fiance wants no part of an RO unit for whatever reason, but he might change his mind since he will have to do the hauling lol! Thanks.