Ro water can i buy it!!


Originally Posted by Marvin Willis
but i need 11 5 gallon jugs lol
Well thats just another of part of the hobby thats a pain in the butt. You just need to do it honestly. I think we've all tried to cut corners somehow early on then you just find yourself doing the thing you should of done the first time later on. And after a bunch of cash wasted.
You know, look around online. If this is your first time filling the tank I think theres a way that you can distill your own water. I remember reading something a while back but you need to look around. It something like filling a trashcan with tap water, dechlorinating it, and aerating the water for 2 days. You'd have to drop a powerhead in there and an airstone or two and leave it running for two days. I think it needs to be somewhere in the sunlight during these 2 days also. I can't remember fully but read up on it.
Otherwise just get those jugs ready and you can probably knock it out in 2 or 3 trips.
(Like I said before, don't you have a Water Store somewhere close by? They usually sell jugs and water for WAY cheaper than you can get anywhere else. I don't know where you live but I'm in Orange County, CA and you can find anything you want within 5miles.) Good luck!


Active Member
Isn't distilled water just evaported water? We've made that before in boyscouts for fun. We took a bucket and put a cup in the center of it. We filled the bucket with saltwater around the empty cup. Then we put plastic wrap on top and a rock in the center of the plastic wrap and put it out in the sun, so when the water evaporated, it would condense and collect in the cup. The water was no longer salty. It would take forever to do this, though. I say, get the jugs of water.


I had to fill my 180 using water from a galcier unit, you can use anything you want to fill up. I used some clean 5 gallon buckets and some jugs. It is a pain in the neck but I found that the water is not bad to use. I have been using it in my tank for 4 weeks now and so far no problems. I even use it in my kids beta bowls and they do not get nasty at all. Good luck, and just realize the initial fill up is the largest amount of water you will need at one time, after that it is just top off and water change. Oh and it shows you when they last serviced the unit where you put in the money it will be on the digital part that says how much it is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mp32
I had to fill my 180 using water from a galcier unit, you can use anything you want to fill up. I used some clean 5 gallon buckets and some jugs. It is a pain in the neck but I found that the water is not bad to use. I have been using it in my tank for 4 weeks now and so far no problems. I even use it in my kids beta bowls and they do not get nasty at all. Good luck, and just realize the initial fill up is the largest amount of water you will need at one time, after that it is just top off and water change. Oh and it shows you when they last serviced the unit where you put in the money it will be on the digital part that says how much it is.
Only problem is, that some machines just spew out the water and then you have to pay for it up front. They may or may not let you pay for it if it is a 5 gallon bucket, but what are they gonna do, shoot you?


That is the great thing about the glacier macines, you can use what you want because you feed the machine your money, so you do not have to buy any jugs, just use waht you want.


Active Member
I make my own RO water... nothign too tough about it, my bathroom looks like a science lab tho lol
keep in mind I got all the parts for it for basically nothing at all, I work at a plumbing supply house :)


I have a LFS that premixes saltwater for me....its about 4.50 for a 5 gallon jug. So in the long run it will be more expensive than buying a RO/DI unit, but it keeps me from having excessive trash cans and crap in my basement. No jug to buy, just have to put down a deposit....then I just keep paying for refills. You said you need 11 5 gallon jugs, so I am guessing you have a 55 gallon tank. Rest assured you wont put 55 gallons of water in it.....the sand and LR will take up more room than you 37 gallon tank only has about20 gallons of water in it I would guess. But be patient, make multiple trips to the store....everything thing in this hobby takes awhile if done correctly.....patients is a good habit to learn.