Ro Water Question


New Member
Setting up a new tank in ca couple of days and I had a few questions regarding RO water. Where can I buy RO water and what brands (if there are any) are more popular than others?


Active Member
If you have your own bottles you can probably find some units outside of grocery stores where you can bottle your own for about 30 cents a gallon. The units in my area micro filter RO/DI and UV sterilize.


Crystal water and culligan are both RO. You can get these in any area. Look in your local supermarket for the tanks that you fill your own jugs or the yellow pages for a culligan in your area. It would pay for itself to get a unit for your home in the long run, but they will sell you all the RO water that you need.


New Member
Thanks a lot for your replies, off to the grocery store. But as far as getting my own unit goes... which unit would you guys recommend?


What size tank ? what or how much do you want to spend?stay away from the tap water filter,cheap but your wasteing your money a 3 stage 24gpd will run around
120.00 a four stage 50gpd will be around $160.00 brand name pure flo II (coral life) thay pay for them self in the long run - no running to store! and buy on line from a catalog.


Active Member
what technically is RO water...if i call and ask the grocery store what water they have, what answer am i looking for, will they know to say RO, or will the just say some other stuff? just wondering, because i can buy RO water at a petstore, but its 89 cents/ itd be a ton cheaper if i get it at the grocery store.
Luke P


get distilled water / walmart .58 gallon getting the water in super markets and the lps is almost twice the price.


I'd go to the grocery store yourself and check. I called and asked my store, and no one there even knew what RO water was...actually they told me they did not have it...which they did. UV sterilized too! Only 30 cents/gal. I have a 29gal tank...costs me $4.20 / month to maintain (water changes and top off water).
Also, keep in mind that most RO sources also soften the water. This means you will have to add a buffer to the tank to raise and stablize the pH and Alk. Be sure to get a test kit for anything you add!!!
Hope this helps.


Active Member
Most bottled water will have its source and filtration methods listed on the bottle. If not assume its tap water that has been filtered by some method???? I don't think you can go wrong with distilled though and if your using a good salt mix it will put everything else you need back in the water that the distilling process takes out.


Thats' what I just filled my tank (20G Long) with, Reef Crystals and Distilled water from the uncle Wal (mart).



Active Member
alright, so it looks like i'll just have to go with walmart distilled....then just mix that with my do you know if the water they have that you can fill yourself is safe??


Active Member
alright,, well i went to the grocery store, and they have this water filtered this way...
1--sediment filter
2--carbon filter
3--Reverse Osmosis
4--Carbon Post filter
5--UV light sterilization
is this water ok to use?


Active Member
your probably using glacier water machine. If you look on the light display it will tell you when the machine was last serviced. Now if that means changing out the membrane for the RO filter on a necessary basis everything should be fine. I kind of wonder about it myself sometimes.


What about getting water from an underground spring. I have not used it for my tank but there is one about 15 miles from my house and we get drinking water from there. We do not like drinking the city water here.


Go to Culligans website. You can get a RO unit that you lease from them. There are plenty of places on the internet that sell the units also. I would use RO/DI before I ever went with distilled water.


Bronco, the water you found at the grocery store is exactly what I get. The water is 100% safe to use. If its anything like my supply, they change all filters quite regularly. My tank has never looked better.