RO water the same as filtered water


So I'm starting to get what RO water is and all, but is filtered water from a refridgerator the same as RO?


Active Member
Sorry, No. While RO units do have some filters to take out the large particles. A RO unit has a Reverse Osmosis membrane that, for lack of a better word and brain power on my part, is like a super filter that takes out particles that a normal filter cannot take out.


New Member
I am new to this hobby but, I am not new to water filtration. Being a plumber, Reverse Osmosis is just filtered water, sometimes filtered by 3 filters: 5 microns, and then treated with Activated Carbon to help with the purification.
So unless you have a RO system under your home sink, your filtered water isn't going to be as clear as a RO system. If you are to have a big tank I would assume that you invest in one but, buy it from a plumbing supply store because they are a lot cheaper than Fish stores.
Just listen from others that chime into this thread.


Active Member
i know the water out of the fridge is filtered, but it is not ro water, but in my opinion that would be better than tap, but no way near ro, you can get an ro unit from this site or the home depot, lowes etc. but if you have a large dt i would get 1 from this site mine i bought at the home depot and it only puts out 12-14 gal. per day i have a 150 gal. plus a 55 gal. sump/fuge so i need 20 gal. a week i wish i had got something a bit bigger as getting 20 gal. out each week is a royal pain, takes about 3-4 days to collect it all so get as big a system as you can use and still fill your coffee pot and tea pitcher and what ever else you can think of to keep the water situation at home efficient. i end up usually still buying 10 gal. a week it sucks how big is your tank, and do you have a sump/fuge tobin :happyfish


Ok I didn't think so but wanted to check. Seasalt how much did yours cost because I don't need much at all since my tank is 5.5 gallons.?


Active Member
If you only have a 5.5 gallon tank you would be just as well off to buy your water in gallon jugs. If you do a 10% water change a week a jug would last you two weeks. You could also buy DI water which is even cleaner than RO water.


The problem with that is the jugs cost 13$ for 4.4 gallons and I can't get DI or RO water easy since the place that sells it isn't near me. I'm not even sure I can get RO water near me so that's kinda why I'd like to get RO water and then maybe use it on my 29 gallon FW tank too, don't know.


Active Member
Originally Posted by atmachine5
The problem with that is the jugs cost 13$ for 4.4 gallons and I can't get DI or RO water easy since the place that sells it isn't near me. I'm not even sure I can get RO water near me so that's kinda why I'd like to get RO water and then maybe use it on my 29 gallon FW tank too, don't know.

I would get a 5 gallon bucket.
Then go to the grocery store to the water machine (or Walmart, water mill, etc). They charge about $.30 a gallon. For that size tank, that is what I would do.

al mc

Active Member
While I agree that RO/Di and even RO would be the best...Wouldn't purchasing distilled water by the gallon at a local

or supermarket be another alternative since not much water is needed?


TDS levels
A - 105
B - 76
C - 12
D - 524
E - 360
F - 298
I posted them in the order of what I thought would be cleanest to dirtiest water. Am I the only one Surprised by the results?
A = Culligan RO/DI from a vending machine
B = Walmart Distilled
C = RO from my filter
D = Dannon Spring Water
E = My Tap Water
F = My Well Water
this is credit to Bang Guy. (sorry for not asking first bang, but this such good stuff).


I found out that most water at grocery stores that they you fill your 1gallon or 5gallon jugs with is RO water. Make sure that it is though some is just filtered water. Most dispensers that are RO say it right on the dispenser. My lfs was going to sell me RO water for 69 cents a gallon and I bought it for 36 cents a gallon a my Super Walmart and saved me quite a bit of money. I also bought mt 5 gallon jugs from my local Culligan store for 5 dollars a piece and they came with caps included. Just a suggestion.


Ya my aunt told me about the RO water at wal-mart. I haven't decided if I want to buy it by the gallon or a RO unit. From what you guys say it seems an RO unit won't save that much money and if I did buy RO water at Wal-mart I could just buy it say 10 gallons to save trips.