RO Water?


When topping off with RO water; do you just pour it in without doing anything? How much of a water change can you do without really disrupting the tank?
I was using tap water and I have a horrible out break of algae, red and hair. I found RO water FINALLY locally. It's only a quarter a gallon. So I'd like to do as much of a water change that I can. Trying to get this tank straightened out. Been one disaster after another.
As usual you guys are a great help!!!


Active Member
As long as temp., S.G., PH, ect, matches your tank water you can change as much as you want.
Just pour in FW slowly when topping off.


Active Member
It does seem strange but remember, only fresh water evaporated from your tank, it left the salt behind, so no salt is needed for top offs.


Active Member
when you do a water change, where you take water out of the tank, then you put salt water in. if you are just replacing water that evaporated, you use fresh water.
and as for how much of a water change, what i usually do is about 10 gallons every week or every other week for my 55 gallon. but yesterday i did a 50% water change and every thing in my tank looks SOOOOO much better. I had nitrates that were at about 80!


I'm sure this is probably a dumb question, but when removing and replacing that much water, do you leave all the critters in the tank? I'm assuming you do, but don't they go nuts?

the reef

Originally Posted by spencka
I'm sure this is probably a dumb question, but when removing and replacing that much water, do you leave all the critters in the tank? I'm assuming you do, but don't they go nuts?
as long as you pour your watter in slowly in a high flow area it will mix in nicely just dont pour it directly over any coarals. You will only disturbe the balance if you pour to quickly or if you mixed water is not up to the target range your looking for. so I would check your sg and ph on your saltwater your going to replace if is not the targeted sg or ph level make shure you mix it corectly. only mix the salt to the watter and not the watter to the salt. then put an air pump in it and let it airate for 24 hours this will help bring the ph up to where you need it. change out watter that is made tends to have a little lower ion exchange when we make ro watter. but never add aditives or buffers to try to get the ph up on the change out watter only air watter and salt.


Active Member
my fish dont mind. i just sipohon out however much water. and slowly pour my new water in directly in my strongest powerheads path so it gets spread out very nicely, and it doesnt really bother them i dont think


Do you have a FO tank? I change about 15% weekly or biweekly and my nitrates are <5. I started with 20, but then switched to RO water and its been great since then!
Getting ready to add my first corals next month. I'll post some pics.


so, only use ro water to replace evaporation? What about when doing your weekly 10% change? Should ro be used for that or is tap ok??


do you think 10 gallons weekly would be a proper amount for a 125 gal? I topoff whenever i can with r/o water and I am trying to get in a routine of 10 gal weekly change or do you think I should do more?


Active Member
That should be fine unless test show high nitrates, ect. then you should do larger WC to get them back down and then do 10 a week again.