ro water


nope. RO water is water that has been run through a reverse osmosis purification. you can buy an RO filter that attatches to your faucet. in the long run i think it would be worth it, but i haven't made the plunge to buy one yet.


I buy my ro water at walmart for 58cents per gallon. I use that for my topoffs and just use a tap water filter(deionizer) for water changes and have had excellent results since I started doing this. It depends how good your tap water is -probably good in pa-
But anyway, just wanted to let you know that there are relatively inexpensive methods without buying an ro filter and having that immense amount of waste water. It costs a lot, if you have to pay the water bill, and it just doesn't feel right wasting that much water. Just my 2 cents.


All the Wal-mart cashiers call me "the water lady" because I've been in there so much setting up my 55 while mantaining my 45!

kris walker

Active Member
Regardless of the water source you use, you really should check it for nitrates and phosphates. I used to use tap water filtered with Britta, but found phosphates of 0.5 ppm. Algae...get ready, get set, GO! Sine this discovery, I have been using Glacier RO water from little refill stands outside Albertson's in California. Unfortunately, I have found that the RO water there has a 0.2 ppm phosphate level. If you don't want to put the $20 into a phosphate test kit, then at the very least, get whatever water you use checked for nitrates/phophates at your lfs (if the lfs is reliable).


I din't know that walmart sold RO water... wow, thanks for the info!


Hey buddy, R/O is the way to go. I suggest you invest in a cheap unit. I think I paid $80 for mine. If you plan on staying in this hobby the investment will pay off instead of running to the store when you need it.
Good luck!


I bought a RO unit for around $100. I origionally bought it for drinking water, and it only makes about 3-4 gal. per day, but I store what I need for the tank in one of those 5 gal. water bottles from Sparkletts. My tank is doing great(it was set up with this water) :)


Ro is the way to go, I have one that I have hooked up to a float valve in my sump, so I never have to top off.


Active Member
RO /DI water is the only way to go. I wouldn't use tap, most pipes contain copper - this will kill fish and most everything else. Besides RO is cheap and easy to get! :)