RO water???


I have beeen hearing about RO water, I take that to be short for reverse osmosis???? Well where would one get it ? my supermarket doesn't have it. unless it goes by a different name. I have been using distilled water for topping off. which is better? or doesn't it make any difference?


Well-Known Member
You are right - RO stands for reverse osmosis water. More commonly, you will see the abbreviation RODI, which indicates water that has been purified by reverse osmosis and deionization as well. Often what is sold as distilled water is actually RO or RODI - you have to read the small print carefully. I believe that Wal Mart has RODI water at reasonable price, and some lfs's also sell it. If your tank is large enough, it might make economic sense to get a RODI unit of your own, and make you own water.


Active Member
The easiest thing is to get your own RO/DI unit. You can find a good one for less than $150. If you want to go somewhere to just buy water though you can check your LFS and many Walmarts have water filtration machines in them. You just buy or bring in some containers and you can fill them up yourself. One thing with the store units though is that you never know how often they change their filters so it's worth it to pick up a TDS meter to test the water yourself.


You make your own Reverse Osmosis water. You can buy the units on this site. See "Aquarium Supplies" link on the left then scroll down to Reverse Osmosis Units".
I can honestly say that topping off daily with R/O water (and using it for water changes) combined with a good protein skimmer is why I've had such a successful first year in this hobby.


When you say topping off do you mean, filling up to the line in the bottom tank of your system where the water evaporates from? Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by CircesMagic
When you say topping off do you mean, filling up to the line in the bottom tank of your system where the water evaporates from? Thanks
Not sure of the question; but, yes topping off is just replacing the water lost to evaporation. Be sure to use just water, no salt. When water evaporates, it leaves everything else in the tank. If you could catch the evaporated water, you'd have basically distilled water.