ro water?


Active Member
HI guys,
This is how I currently sort out my water changes - I fill up the 10g sterilised bucket in my garage with fresh tapwater (not RO), dechlorinate it, mix the salt in to get the right level, leave and then add when required. I was just routinely testing the water before adding it today and I got slight reading on my ammonia (everything else is zero), does this mean there is ammonia in my water source?
I know the answer to this is RO unit, but toi be frank i cannot afford it! My LFS sell RO water at a reasonable price, so my question is, if i buy RO water and put it in the bucket, mix with salt and say I keep it in there for a week or two, is the water still RO and all the benefits remained?
Thanks for all your help!


Hello, As long as you keep any contaminets out you should be fine. I will say that if you do buy a unit, get a 3 stage RO DI. I you do buy one, you can have a float in the small bucket an use it as an auto fill system for evaporation. See ya, Steve