RO water



What is the importance of RO water in an aquarium? Is it needed or just an option? I'm confused :rolleyes:


Active Member
The importance of RO or RO/DI water is the purity of the water. Most tap water contains impurities such as copper, phosphates, nitrate, etc. After running the water through a RO/DI unit is is 99.9% pure water.
It is more than an option, it's good practice. Stores will often sell RO water and Distilled is better than tap IMO.


Active Member
As little as $80.00. If I had to choose again I would buy the Typhoon III again. It runs about $215.00 but IMO well worth it.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by pinanomanda
What is the importance of RO water in an aquarium? Is it needed or just an option? I'm confused :rolleyes:

I consider RO water to be detrimental to all fresh and salt aquariums


You would find it detrimental Bob. Thats why your tanks look like algae lagoons. BTW what have your nitrate readings been running. Been using RO/DI water and mine are zero HMMMMMMMMM could be something to that. The advice your giving is poor and is only going to make newcomers frustrated when things go wrong like algae blooms etc. Sorry to flame this thread but your statement is ridiculous.