Ro water?


Active Member
I was wondering what would be a good RO unit to buy.Also what would be a good skimmer to buy for a 12 gal. and a 29 gal.
For that size tank, I will have to inform you that you will have to monitor and add RO water daily because of the evaporation and even the slightest evap. for too long will have effects.
I'd go with a Kent Marine barebones. and a hang-on skimmer such as the cpr all in 1 kit, or just a separate hang on like the calibur.
for the 29 gallon check out a prizm deluxe. got one on my 37, it works great. its rated for a 100 gallon tank but there is no way it could handle that. it doesnt take up much space, little maintance and it works good too.