Rock Anomone

liz s.

On Saturday I bought two Rock Anomone' of them refuses to eat, the other looks rather pathetic, but ate yesterday...i've tried to read up on them, but have only found info on anomone's in general...any suggestions?


Active Member
First of all welcome to the board!
Rock anenome's - bought on saturday - refuses to eat. Can you explain your feeding process? What are you feeding them? Give us more info on tank size - lighting, live rock (LR), sand or crushed coral... how long tank set up and such...

liz s.

Thank you...
OK...Tank is (about) six months old...75 gallon, crushed coral, about 30 lbs of LR so far...I have Nemo, five damsels, one cleaner shrimp, one Coral Banded Shrimp and now two Rock Anomone's...the lady at the store told me to feed them a piece of a shrimp, just place it near it's little mouth...which i did...and it spit it back at me...the other one ate his/ is comical in retrospect...however, at the time, a little jelly like thing spitting shrimp at me was not funny...especially when i jumped and hit my head...


Active Member
Ok - rock anenomes in my experience will look for a comfortable place to stay and stay there. You don't have to feed it like you are doing. When you feed our fish it will catch food in its tentacles and bring them to its mouth. Feed your fish mysis shrimp, brine, or flakes and if you like, swish some near the rock anenome. See if it folds up, bringing food to its center. Also - give it some time to adapt, it doesn't need food right away and not every day either.
hope this helps..

liz s.

I don't need to give it shrimp at all??? Won't it starve to death? My fish are part pigs...they dont' really let much food get to the bottom...
Thank you btw...


Active Member
What kind of shrimp are you feeding it?
If you feed it brine or mysis shrimp and swish it around its tentacles - it should catch it and bring it in. I really don't pay too much attention to a direct feeding like you are trying to do - it will catch its own food. But once in awhile I'll take a large pinch of shrimp, reach in and let it fall over it so it can catch it.


Active Member
Also - don't spot feed it everyday. Maybe once a week should be fine.
Anyone else can jump in and give their opinion also...??

liz s.

Great! Thank you...I guess I'm just worried it'll starve...when i first got my tank the ***** chick sold me a Mandarin Gobi (SP?) almost starved to death...that sorta did it for me...
Are there things I should look for? To make sure it's not starving?

liz s.

Sorry...just read the other one...And I don't know. it's the frozen kind from teh store that they sold me for my starfish and said would work for these too...i don't sound very educated huh?


Active Member

Originally posted by Liz S.
Great! Thank you...I guess I'm just worried it'll starve...when i first got my tank the ***** chick sold me a Mandarin Gobi (SP?) almost starved to death...that sorta did it for me...
Are there things I should look for? To make sure it's not starving?

I'm not surprised ***** did that. Surprised a bit you kept it alive - no offense, but they can be hard to keep fed - the mandarin.
As far as what to look for - I would compare it to my picture if you like. Don't panic if it swells up while eating or if water current is too strong. It might move around the tank until it finds a happy place.


Active Member

Originally posted by Liz S.
..i don't sound very educated huh?

I think you're doing fine. Don't be afraid to ask anything on this board (even personal - haa)... seriously - ask away and ask often. A lot of people on this board really like helping others.

liz s.

The poor thing was bones, but he's fine now...i took him to a local pet store and they put him in a tank to hold for me until my tank can support him... if i want him back...i've decided that ***** has workers that know less about tanks than i do...which is sad...for the fish.
as for the anomone...yesterday morning i thought it was had shrunk into a little ball and had brown stuff coming from the center...i had to rush to class so i didn't have time to worry about him...when i got home from work he was fine...i guess.
the problem is that most of the pet store people don't know crap about a salt water lady actually told me to give it up, i was too poor and too dumb for a salt water tank, to follow her example and get a bird...(of course, that was *****)...
so this site doubles as therapy too huh? hmmm.....

liz s.

Liz - take some pics of your tank and share!!
Rich... [/B]
I have some stored at at work now...will have to send some up here to do that...
I'm afraid it's not that impressive...I enjoy it...and i took some digital ones and posted them in my office here...

liz s.

Member the bookkeeper, when i run out of money, i have nothing left to do. Friday i crawled under my desk, cleaned everything up, dusted, filed, and, i am here b/c i must have the hours to buy more fish!:happy:
read your little info thing...
u were a paratrooper??? wow...

liz s.

Member one of the little people, a girl can't be too careful about who she talks to....give me some credit!:)


Active Member

Originally posted by Liz S. one of the little people, a girl can't be too careful about who she talks to....give me some credit!:)

what do you mean? little people?

liz s.

i'm five foot mother is 6' 2", my younger sister is 6' 3" mother refers to herself as the keeper of the land of Liliput....
I guess my comment brought to mind a midget huh?