Rock Beauty


I have had a Rock Beauty in my 55gal tank w/ 50lb of LR and about the same of LS. The tank has been up and running for about a year water checks out, but I have noticed his blue spot is starting to fade slightly towards the fin. I haven't noticed ick and he eats like a machine. Am I getting worried for nothing or is he outgrowing the tank?


Active Member
This is a poor choice for a captive fish. Very few survive long (more than a couple years) in home aquaria. It will certainly outgrow a 55. They are very diet specific and require large amounts of sponge in their feeding regimen. They also eat algae based foods. Fading can be associated with dietary deficiencies or even stress, to name a couple. How long have you had the fish? What are you feeding? Can you post your actual parameters? Other tank mates?
I kept one for two years back in the day. Ate everything, survived a substrate change, etc.. Found it dead on the sand one day.


Originally Posted by nicetry
This is a poor choice for a captive fish. Very few survive long (more than a couple years) in home aquaria. It will certainly outgrow a 55. They are very diet specific and require large amounts of sponge in their feeding regimen. They also eat algae based foods. Fading can be associated with dietary deficiencies or even stress, to name a couple. How long have you had the fish? What are you feeding? Can you post your actual parameters? Other tank mates?
I kept one for two years back in the day. Ate everything, survived a substrate change, etc.. Found it dead on the sand one day.
Also, jacha66, if your fish is less than 2" long, what you're seeing perhaps is a change of coloration from the juvenile to the adult stage. The blue spot will change to entirely black, and the spot will grow and take up more than half of the coloration from the pectoral fins to the tail. The dorsal and anal fins will wind up being trimmed in red and blue, and the mouth will turn black. They are a beautiful angelfish, but not for the inexperienced aquarist. They often lack the nutritiion that they need to survive in captivity. If you can meet their dietary needs, then these fish have the potential to grow to 18" long as adults, so you'll need to upgrade your aquarium to a minimum of 200 gallons IMHO.


Im afriad thats incorrect. They can max out at a foot, but not 18". They dont get as large as other angels.
My advice on keeping your rock beauty healthy is to get some LR from the carribean as it has some of the algea and other life that they feed on in the wild. Then stock up on sponges from the area such as red finger sponge, Mine use to love red ball sponge too! Im interested in how long you have ad yours, mine only lived about 7 months.


Originally Posted by rara12
Im afriad thats incorrect. They can max out at a foot, but not 18". They dont get as large as other angels.
I guess it depends on who you consider a valid source, according to fishbase they can exceed a foot:
Fishbase: 35 cm. (13.77")
Drs. Fosters and Smith: 60 cm.
Scott W. Michael: 7.9"
I've never seen one in captivity over 12" long so you're probably right, point taken. They're smaller than others of their genus and would probably not need quite as much room as their cousins, but a 55g is too small, that's the point that I was making.