Rock hard salt bucket


Hi there... it's been ages since I've been here - nice to see some familiar 'faces'. Dunno if anyone even remembers me? I am 7 months pregnant and busy chasing my 19 month old daughter around so I don't get to visit very often anymore... <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
Anyway, my question... does anyone have any brilliant ideas of how to soften up a bucket of salt that has hardened? Other than using a hammer and chisel - which is literally what I'm doing. I guess the salt got exposed to some humidity.
Any thoughts would be appreciated... my arm is killing me from trying to hack off enough salt to do a water change this morning!


Get fresh salt once it hardens it will never disolve properly and can cause unbalance in your saltwater. Easier on your arm too. Good to see you back, yes I remember you. ;)


Agreed--sorry to say cause I know it's spendy-but you're going to have to. For your arms sake as well as your tanks.