Rock to Rock

I have a large peice of LR in my tank that has a lot on it (Finger Leather, buttons, sponges, mushrooms........) I have a small Ricordia on a very small chip of rock that I want to place on this large peice of LR. I don't think there is any way I can take this big peice out to glue the ricordia rock to it. So is there any way to glue the ricordia to the big rock with out taking it out of the tank???? I have been told by my LFS to use used chewing gum to keep the rock in place but everyone on this board says "no way". Can I put super glue on the chip of rock the ricordia is on then stick that to the LR in tank?
Well it worked great for 2 days. When I can home from work yesterday the Ricordia had follen off the rock and was face down in the sand!!!! Rrrrrrrrrr. I really want this to work!!!! It's on such a small peice of rock I kinda have no choice but to "glue" it to something. I used Super Glue Gel, any other suggestons?
With all this handleing and glueing i'm afraid I'm going to kill this Ricordia, and it's the most expensive and pretiest thing in the tank.


just put some netting or fiber glass screening on it with some rubber bands . leave it on for 2 weeks or so . never failed yet .
simple !
good luck
new fish