

Has anyone heard of Texas Holey Rock? I know it is a wonderful thing for some freshwater fish requireing higher ph, and alk. My question is does anyone know what it does in a saltwater tank? Is it the reason my alk is through the roof and will not come down? Any help would be great!


I have been looking at that type of rock for base, so i am interested in any answers you get. It looks pretty neat, and thought about getting 20 to 30 lbs for my 150.00.


thanks, i was having the hardest time with my alk, water change after water change it was still high, then i thought i wonder if this rock has anything to do with it. I guess thats what i get for trying to cut corners!!!!


Active Member
As I wrote in that thread, they are basically old, VERY OLD :D live rock. Old coral reef. Just on land now. They are commonly used as base rock and are not, IMO, all that different than the structure of other reef rock. They are not quite as porous for sure. But it is better than putting something like granite or sandstone or lava rock, IMO!
Do you use RO water? Do you dose a buffer or any other supplements? What are your calcium and magnesium levels?


I use tap water, wich was my next question, is there no way to use tap water? if there is what is the best water conditioner to use? As for the question at hand, the only additives i use are kent products, tech cb part a and b for calcium, and essential elements. Calcium level will not go above 350 but thats because of the alk right? As for mag i dont have a test kit for that. My tank is fo and i have a few peices of the holey rock with a few peices of live rock, my main objective is to get the holey rock covered in coraline alg.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ1
I have been looking at that type of rock for base, so i am interested in any answers you get. It looks pretty neat, and thought about getting 20 to 30 lbs for my 150.00.
Just curious, besides looks what would be the reason to pay that much for it? You can get some good base rock for much cheaper than that. Besides, if you're paying that much for a base rock, I'm sure you could find a good deal online somewhere for live rock at the same price.


Originally Posted by WyattErp
I use tap water, wich was my next question, is there no way to use tap water? if there is what is the best water conditioner to use?
Using a water conditioner really won't help remove much of what is in tap water that you don't want getting into your tank. If you can, go and pick up some distilled water, or they say the green capped gallon jugs at Walmart says it is RO water. That would be much better than the tap water.
Originally Posted by WyattErp

As for the question at hand, the only additives i use are kent products, tech cb part a and b for calcium, and essential elements. Calcium level will not go above 350 but thats because of the alk right? As for mag i dont have a test kit for that. My tank is fo and i have a few peices of the holey rock with a few peices of live rock, my main objective is to get the holey rock covered in coraline alg.
As for the calcium, are you actually testing your calcium level? If not, I would get a test kit and do so, because you're adding something you may not even need because your level may have been right to begin with.


in my situation, I already had the holy rock, it was used in my cichlid tank! As far as the calcium goes i do test it every day! Calcium level will not go above 350 as i stated above!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
As I wrote in that thread, they are basically old, VERY OLD :D live rock. Old coral reef. Just on land now. They are commonly used as base rock and are not, IMO, all that different than the structure of other reef rock.

However, remember that an aquarium is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the ocean and not all of the ocean was stocked with this type of rock. There are alot of things in the ocean that won't hurt it, but that's because its such a large ecosystem. There have been large oil spills in the ocean and it survives, but a single drop of oil in our small replications of that ecosystem would devestate any progress we have made.
I personally wouldn't use it, but others may and won't have any problems, it's strictly up to you. I prefer to go with something I know will work. Good luck in your research.


Active Member
My personal opinion is save your money and buy live rock. Sure it is expensive, but your saltwater tank is going to be around for YEARS.... perhaps longer than your car. Why skimp on something that you will be looking at and enjoying for a looooong time? :)


Active Member
My alk was through the roof at one point because I used tap water and it was "hard water." That is basically the same thing. My bet is that it is your tap water. Water changes using RO water will result in lowering the alk, and you will be able to correct your calcium as well.
I would certainly say if you are buying 20-30 pounds of it for $150, you are being ripped off! That stuff should sell for no more, IMO, than $2 a pound. No way would I spend $150 on it - buy LR instead.
If you already have it, and you used it in a previous tank, then I see no issues UNLESS you added medications such as COPPER to that tank. In which case, I wouldn't put it anywhere near a saltwater tank.


thanks alot for the help, the only reason i put it in there is because i already had it and did not at the time have the money to buy all live rock so i thought i might be able to seed it with the live rock i could afford, i will be changing to ro water i hope that will fix my problem, you guys have been a big help, thanks again!


Oh by the way as far as the price of texas holey rock goes, I agree with you, I got mine for free, but some of the prices i have heard other people pay for it its insane!!!!