RockBeauty Tri Color How big do they get??


Active Member
I happen to have a Rockbeauty that I bought in October last year and put in with my 2 BIG Porks (I knew Rocks are hard hard keepers but the price was right and I decided to try it). The Rock lived thru my major (and first for the Puffers) Ick outbreak but did losse sight in one eye. The fact that he is doing well and eats everything and is growing amazes me as no article I have ever seen on them recommend even trying one. As Trey once posted to me it must be a tough devil to have survived a major outbreak (it got the Ick too but copper cleaned it up except for the eye which had popped and altho it went down the eye was lost). It is now about 5 inches and fat and happy.


I had a rockbeauty for 8 months, he was a great fish, ate everything and very active. Then one day he just stoped eatting, from everything I had ever read this is what happens to them. I try to treat him, but no luck he would never eat again. I thought I was doing everything right feeding him a good diet, with alot a spounge. Everything I have ever read about the rock, said that was going to happen, it was a major loss, I really loved that fish. I am glad to see that pufferlovers is still doing well. Good Luck


Active Member
A rock beauty was one of my first fish. I had read they are difficult to keep and that they were not recommended for begineers but at a price of $12 I thought I would try.
I keep the little guy for almost 3 years. One day he started looking pale although he was still eating but that was the beginning of the end.
From what I've read and heard 3 years was much better then most have done so I felt a little better about the lose of the fish.


Active Member
I would suppose that is why they are so cheap to buy, and yet it is a shame they keep selling a fish that odes not adapt well if ever. I to had read that at some point most develope a dark spot on top of head and that is the beginning of the end for the Rock. So far mine is fine but time will tell. The fact that it has done so well with the big Porks and the Dianas Hogfish has made for a great looking tank (a 125). The Hog was last in and it will not allow anything else to be added (tried a large oriental wrasse and the Hog made it so miserable I moved it back to its original tank).