Rockies new 155g FOWLR plan - comments?


My wife said to me a few weeks ago: Let's get a bigger tank! Something like a doctor's office.
Needless to say, this woman is very special. :cheer:
So, I've been pricing systems online and at LFS. I've come up with a fairly good deal (I think) from one of the LFS and here it is:
1) 155g acrylic tank, oak stand/canopy
2) Overflow kit
3) Euro-Reef Skimmer RS
4) Oceanic Reef Ready Model 3 Sump
5) Oceanic Reef Ready Model 3 Biochamber
6) Cataline Titanium Heater 200w (qty 2)
7) Little Giant 4-MDQX-SC pump
I have 2 Maxi Jet 1200 powerheads I can throw in from my existing 50g setup.
Any thoughts on this equipment? Is this optimal for a 155g FOWLR? :notsure:


Bottom line price with tax and a 10% discount for getting the whole enchilda:
I looked around on varous sites on the net and there are better deals on some of the items listed, but then again I'm going with my LFS and there's more overhead for the LFS than some of the online vendors' overhead (and I won't have to pay shipping). Taking shipping into account I figure it's a good enough deal to take.
I'm also thankful that I would have a single person to consult to ensure everything works together. I'm fairly conservative and like having the backup if I mess something up.


Active Member
sounds a little high id say, maybe try to go with buying the tank and sump from them, and buy the rest online. if you like your LFS and want to support them i understand, but when you could buy a lot of those items at wholesale online id say go with that. you still need Live sand or substrate thereover, LR if you intend on having a reef, and what about lighting? and i recommend a refugium as well... so basically buy the heavy stuff from them and get the rest online for a fraction....good luck sounds like a nice tank in the making


I say support the local LFS, I do realize you can get some things much cheaper BUT you have a single source to go to if you ever need help!
Also i would talk to them about turning that 50 you are upgrading from into a fuge! I can't wait to do that myself!


Lighting at this point is fairly standard with nothing special since it is FOWLR. I'll start with the rock from my 50g and add pieces over time. I go practically bare bottom with very little sand.
I do want to support the LFS and they do come with good recommendations from others in the hobby. Most likely as I upgrade components over time, I'll do those online to ensure the best price.
But, you do have me thinking. Maybe I could get the stand/canopy, skimmer and pump elsewhere. I'll continue to look around.


New Member
I don't understand why you'd want to go without a deep live sand bed. You might also consider a plenum for the bottom as well. A sand bed will give you the denitrification you'll need for a fish only you'll probably be stocking with a higher fish populous than that of a reef. A plenum can simply be made of egg crate propped up an inch or so off the bottom of the tank.. than burry her four inches or so in live sand.. or dry sand with a few bags of live sand poured on top... thats it for me.. hope the info may help.. email me with any questions at im at work right now so im sure this message is full of mistakes and everything else.. best wishes.. Ty..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rockies
Bottom line price with tax and a 10% discount for getting the whole enchilda:
I looked around on varous sites on the net and there are better deals on some of the items listed, but then again I'm going with my LFS and there's more overhead for the LFS than some of the online vendors' overhead (and I won't have to pay shipping). Taking shipping into account I figure it's a good enough deal to take.
I'm also thankful that I would have a single person to consult to ensure everything works together. I'm fairly conservative and like having the backup if I mess something up.
im eyeing a 125g without the stand and with 10% off everything also comes with $250 lights for $1030


New Member
Speaking from experience working in a small saltwater shop in Wisconsin... when you're talking about buying everything from your local fish store you're really talking about loyalty. Don't even question it, you will absolutely pay more money buying everything in the shop. No matter how you cut it, the only thing you might save on is the tank itself because by the time you've paid to freight the thing its cost you an arm and a leg. What are the advantages of buying locally? Knowledge.. if the staff knows what they're doing they'll be an invaluable source of info (fish and gear) and will be on the front lines in times of trouble. They know when you're not buying from them and will probably treat you as such. If you bought everything on big als or here, they'd tell you to take a hike when your fish has ich. Especially mechanically its nice having a shop back you.. your sump cracks, ballast doesn't fire, dimmer control doesn't function.. thats the sort of things THEY handle.. saves you a heck of a headache. Plus you're supporting your local economy, yadda, yadda. But seriously, if you can , and if its worth it and thats important; stay local. You'll always get the healthiest fish, the best customer service, choicest pieces of live rock etc. If its just some corporate sleeze shop than forget it... stick to!!... best wishes.. Ty..


Active Member
Price does sound a little high, but you have shop overhead and you should support your LFS if they deserve the support meaning they are a good quality store.......I don't think you'lll save money buying a tank online with freight charges and the biggest challenge is receiving it without any damage. You could save money buy opting for a different style sump.....Oceanic's IMO are way overpriced for what your getting.....You could build a bigger nicer sump/fuge setup for what your paying Oceanic........Pump wise you might be able to shop around online and get a better price, but by all means do comparative shopping and purchase your items where you get the best buy........


Thanks for all the advice. I finally have the entire system at home and ready to setup.
I ended up spending about what was quoted but got a lot more since I ended up purchasing from LFS during their only annual sale.
I'm starting the process of setup this week. Will keep the board here posted as to progress and certainly will ask for advice if I run into any snags.