well i know that every tank is unique but do you guys have any tips on rock arrangement, i know to try and make as many tunnels as possible but any other tips? 135 gallon...well equiped :happyfish
For mine I usually put the 3 biggest pieces on the bottom...my tank is 48" long...then i stack rocks in between the top so it makes 2 big tunnels on the bottom, then I just arrange the rest from there. Its really up to you. Make sure to post pictures!
make sure your rocks are stable and deep in the sand....test the rocks by tugging and pulling to prevent a collapse....just pyramid it, stack it, leave some spaces ,etc....so what you like but also what is in the tanks interest to help keep stress down
I've reset my tank a few times and have to adjust to it every time. The last time I moved my tank it was gettiing late so set the tank and had water in it so I put the large rocks in and just dropped the rest in piles. The next day I secured what was loose. That was the best my rocks ever looked to me.