RODI Not producing water??


I recently changed out all the filter media and then this past weekend changed out the membrane. Since I changed out the membrane I am not getting the output that i used to get. Its been 4 days and i only produced 3 gals so far. Anyone have this happen and is there this bad of a break in period? I ran the unit without the membrane and the water flowed through just fine. Its frustrating because i'm moving soon and will need a lot of extra water for the move. The Unit is a Maxxima HiS RODI 35 gal per day.


Active Member
Sounds like you have a problem. Are you sure you inserted the filter the right way?


Its a real problem. My tank loses a gallon of water a day:( . I've taken it out about 3 or 4 times and looked at it and the arrow points in one direction for the flow. This membrane did not look exactly like the one that I replace. I think the only difference was the color of the outside cover. I might try putting it in the other way just to see what happens.

tony detroit

Active Member
I have the same unit. If you put the filter in the wrong way you're toast. Do you have the manual. If not I could possibly scan it this weekend and attach it


I do have the manual and I put it in the exact same way i took the other one out. It is producing a little water, and i mean a litte. A few drop per min. I have it connected to a float switch in a rubbermaid 30 gal tub. It usually only takes about a 3/4 of a day to fill up to the float switch. I'll fool around with it again after work. Its frustrating!


Active Member
Check your float switch too.. Could be a problem there. If a piece of debri gets loged in it, that will restrict flow.


I don't think its the float switch. It was running fine just before i change out the membrane and water really flowed through it when i took the membrane out. Someone mentioned that maybe if i don't have the canaster tightened properly the presure may not be high enough, then again when i took the membrane out the water seemed to be flowing fine. I'll have to check it out after work.


Most retailers call in to Kent and have it sent directly out of Kents warehouse (in Atlanta Ga). I would venture to say, if it is a different color, you probably have the wrong filter. I suffered from the same deal, have a Kent Maxima 24 GPD. Ordered a replacement filter (original was blue) and received a yellow one. It was a different diameter (thickness) but everthing else was the same. WELL I have the same problem, one drop per 2 seconds (about 1/2 gal per 10 hours). The waste tube runs constantly. By the way the yellow filter is for a 10 GPD RO unit. Somewhere it stated that you could use different colors/GPD filters, but they are incorrect. I still cannot get even 10 GPD out of the replacement carterage-so it is in the trash and spent another $60. BTY only sells the complete unit not replacement filters or I would have definitly ordered from them.

tony detroit

Active Member
Try checking your inlet tube. If some rusty deposits fell down after you opened/closed the pipe, they may be blocking your inlet. You may also have a kinked tube in the back that you may not be seeing.


Since you said the water comes out fast when the membrane is removed... seems like your lines are fine.
If you still have your old membrane - I'd try putting it back in just to verify that all is still well and see the expected output/flow. If this still works -- then maybe you bought the wrong GPD/size membrane.


ding ding ding... we have a winner... NCJETSKIER was right. I ordered what i believed was a HiS 35 gal per day unit and that is what the sticker has on the membrane but this membrane is about 3/4 of an inch longer than the old one. Unfortionlatly for me i had to dig though the garbage to find this out. So now i have a membrane that i'm not exactly sure what it is rated. It may be a TFC 35gpd membrane. I e-mailed kent so hopefully i get a responce and then i can try to sell it on one of the sites. Time to head to the lfs for some water and hopefully the new one I ordered gets here before i move so i can get some water stored up.


Every once in awhile a blind squirel finds a nut-thanks for letting me know. I was just about to re-respond, because I JUST got my replacement carterage in and it now works fine. Here is what I found out. You can get a small (less GPD carterage that will be exactly the same size just not as thick (fat). It will be the same length, design etc. It still will not work since the flow restrictor (little rubber piece at the begining of the waste tube) will not match the new carterages GPD setting. Well I have a 10GPD that is worthless to me, but I cannot even remember where I got it from. BY the way you DO NOT remove the colored plastic wrap on the RO carterage (I am not talking about the bag it comes in). This was a question I posted last week and received to responses that said "yes remove it". Since you are in FLA, you should receive your new carterage VIA UPS in three days. Good luck.