RODI water storage help


I ordered a RODI system and I need ideas for storage. I don't have room near the tank so I can't refill automatically. Just need ideas for storage, cut-off float... Should the water be circulating between water changes? Any ideas will help.Thanks


I am wondering the same thing. Can you just bottle up a gallon of RO/DI in a jug and save it for a couple of days until it is needed?


I keep mine in 1 gallon jugs behind the tank. I get the Culligan water from WalMart. The way I understand it is that you only need to circulate the water after it has salt in it.


ok here goes,
i have 2 30gallon recyling containers with dollies on the bootm usually keep both filled one with pure water from the ro di unit one mixed with salt both have 50 watt heaters and hagen 201 powerheads sitting in them then i just use a 1 gallon pitcher to top off the main tank every 3 days , if space allows it this has worked out very well for me it always allows for major water change in case of emergency , and allows me to keep hospital tank empty and clean just fill hospital with main tank water , water change the main unit and your good to go no need to worry about cycle in the hospital


Active Member
Smae as above. 32 gallon trash cans for water changes.
I use a kent aqua doser for all my top off water. 2 gallons per day.


Active Member
I think Almarktool's had an ideal set up for storing both saltwater and fresh RO water.
It's always good to aerate RO or RO/DI water overnight prior to mixing your salt with it.
If you're mixing your saltmix with RO or RO/DI water straight out of the store bought jug or your own home unit - you may find you're not getting the best results with a new batch of mixed saltwater.
I keep a similar set up using (2) 20 gallon rubbermaid containers. One for saltwater one for RO/DI water - both circulated with powerheads 24/7, heated if necessary.


I use a 55gal plastic barrel with a mag submersible pump in the bottem which runs all the time. I keep this in the garage. It pumps water from the bottem out the top and thru pvc pipe back into the barrel. With two valves and a tee I can close the water going back into the barrel and send it out the hose to fill 5gal water jugs you can get from spring water dist for $5 each. The barrel should be about $40. I have 110gal reef so I have 10 five gal jugs full all the time plus the barrel. When I use up about 5 jugs I refill then turn on the ro unit. When barrel is full shut off the water to ro. This way the unit only runs about once a week to make the filters last longer and I usually have 75-100 gal of good water. I can also keep 2-3 jugs in the house at room temp this way.


How much tap water does it waste to get say 5g. Does that depend on the output from the RO/DI?
I have a 155g tank, so not sure what size I really need.
Can it fit under a kitchen sink? Is it easy to plumb in?
I'm just thinking of getting one.
Any comments