Rook has a few questions

1. What is the proper way to create saltwater for your aquarium. I'm receiving 30G's of the water out of an established reef tank during the transport. I was going to buy Distilled water from Wmart to make up the rest until I bought a RO/DI unit later on down the road. How much seasalt would it take to get it where it needs to be?
2. How many water changes is recomended per month for a 55G tank later on when its up and running at full compacity.
3. Where can I find information on types of fish that can survive in a 55G reef which will have around 60lbs of LR in it and a 6'' sand bed. My daughter loves ''Dorey'' the blue hippo... not sure if I have enough space
4. What test kits need to be on hand when setting up this new tank..which I intend on doing this Sat.
Info is appreciated thanks


1. Mix first then add to tank. Distilled through RO from Wal-Mart sounds good. Depends on brand/directions. I would mix and add and when you still have about 10 gallons left to fill test salinity with a hydrometer or refractometer then finish up putting your salinity where you want it (1.024-1.026?) Never pour salt mix straight into tank unless you are setting up for very first time and there are no living animals in it.
2. full capacity? most people recommend a 10% water change per week. without a sump that would be 5-6 gallon water change. with sump, it depends on how much total water your setup has.
3. this site
4. specific gravity (hydrometer or refractometer), ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, PH...I think those are the most important. Most people I've talked to agree that the Salifert brand test kits are pretty accurate. I use Red Sea Marine Lab test kit (didn't know it gives false readings til after I bought it...waiting to use it up then going with Salifert).


Minimum Tank Size: 70 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 1'
Color Form: Black, Bright Blue, Bright Yellow
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Diet: Herbivore
Compatibility: View Chart
Origin: Fiji, Indo-Pacific, Solomon Islands
Family: Acanthuridae
A good site for tank size requirements http://www.***********.com/


Active Member
Originally Posted by BreckCo.KY
Thanks man do you know if a Blue Hippo can live in a 55g with that much LR and Sand?
No, most tangs in general will not be able to live in a 55 gallon tank cause they will outgrow that size and needs more room to swim. A small one to start with IMO would be fine, that's if your willing to upgrade down the road. Dory (Hippo Tang) is a ich magnet, it's really not a good first fish to start with. Why don't you try something like a Chromis or a Clown to start with? They're easier plus they're hardier to start with. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by scarr105
Reef Compatible: Yes
This ALL depends on the fish, some are not!!! Recently some here locally had to sell their's because it was eating up their zoanthids. :happyfish


I think you could say that about any fish. When if comes to reef safe or not you have to generalize fish but also warn that each fish could be different and you need to watch all your fish to make sure they are behaving as they should.

I definantly want a pair of clowns... I just thought maybe I could collaberate a ''Nemo'' tank for my daughter who is already ate up with fish... at 2 3/4 years old. I'm wanting a 125 some day but I feel starting with a 55g is in my best interest since Im a novice. I'm wondering if these prices at my LPS is too high. SeaChem master kit 54.95 Mardell test kit (strip test) 15.95 and there SS is 24.00 for 5lbs... what you guys/gals think?


I would check online and compare your LFS will most likely have higher prices then you will find online. but be cafeful with shipping, some sites charge a lot to ship or require a min purchase.


Active Member
Originally Posted by scarr105
I would check online and compare your LFS will most likely have higher prices then you will find online. but be cafeful with shipping, some sites charge a lot to ship or require a min purchase.

I only order stuffs online when I'm doing a huge purchase. Then I meet the minimum order for free shipping. :happyfish


New Member
Originally Posted by BreckCo.KY
I definantly want a pair of clowns... I just thought maybe I could collaberate a ''Nemo'' tank for my daughter who is already ate up with fish... at 2 3/4 years old. I'm wanting a 125 some day but I feel starting with a 55g is in my best interest since Im a novice. I'm wondering if these prices at my LPS is too high. SeaChem master kit 54.95 Mardell test kit (strip test) 15.95 and there SS is 24.00 for 5lbs... what you guys/gals think?

i'm generally anti-*****, but i just bought a SeaChem master kit from them for $40 -- might want to check that out if you have one near you