Rookie Mistake... I think????????????



Ok so I am somewhat new to SW and think I made a big rookie mistake. First off everyone on here has been very helpful. Thanks. Ok now the problem, I have a 55g tank that has been up for a little over 3 months, it has about 50lbs live rock and 10 lbs of live sand, spread in a corner with marine sand around it. The tank was goin great, it cycled everything came to zero so I decided to add a fish so I did. Procupine puffer. Really cool.
My the levels are
PH 8.3
KH normal
Nitrite 0
nitrate 0
Amo 0
Salt level 1.23
I have a maxjet 900 in one corner and a HOB filter over the other, the flow has been great, I don't plan on putting any other fish in the tank. So here is my problem , yesterday I took out my filter carts. and replaced them, I washed the new one's for a minute in water to remove the excess carbon, well now my water is cloudy. I do not have a wet/dry or any kind of bio ball/ cart. anywhere. I think this is algae or bacteria bloom forming in my water because of the complete removal of both carts. I know I need to get a sponge or something to keep my bact. some where in the tank. MY HOB filter had them but I kind of threw them away as well and my wet/dry sump will be up and running in a few days but for now I do not have one.
Is this what is causing my tank water to cloud up?
And is this bad for the tank?


Active Member
.A porky gets huge...upwards of 18"...this is the wrong size tank for him,even if he is the only fish.He is also a very messy eater so keeping tank parameters in check is going to take some effort.Keeping a clean up crew with these fish is the problem,as they will eat most.There are some that are wily enough to hide in the day and only come out at night to scavenge.
You are going to have a problem adding bio-balls and a sump to a tank with a fish.I would recommend returning the fish to your LFS,or at least if you plan on keeping him see if they are willing to hold him for you.
If the water is cloudy you may have upset the biological filter by rinsing out all the good bacteria.Or disturbed the sandbed...careful not to dig into the sand,it can be lightly syphoned at the surface.
Running some fresh carbon might help with water clarity..but I would also suggest setting up the tank with an overflow and a really good skimmer{most important} once you get the sump in place.Skip the HOB and add another powerhead in the other corner of the tank.A mesh bag w/ carbon,your skimmer,and heater can be placed in the sump .A sponge is a bad idea{nitrate trap} all that is needed is the LR and LS to keep the filtration,as long as the sandbed is deep enough and there is enough LR.Use a turkey baster to clear the rock of settled detritus and food.


I have a clean up crew, tubro, nasseru, hermit, and 3 emrald crabs. I just thought that because I removed everything it is what did it. I have distirbed the sand before and it settled down, this time I did not distrupt it. I had no I dea the prog. puf. got that big. I thought like 5 inch's. well he will have to find a new home. maybe the 150 down stair in a few months. anyway, why is it a problem adding bio balls to a tank with a fish? it will be in the sump.


Active Member
Because it will take time for the bio-balls to establish bacteria.Why add them anyway...just another nitrate trap.The sump is a great idea,but you don't need the bio-balls.Your LR and LS will do the filtering for you.I have three tanks at home and over 1000 gallons at work set up this way~no bio-balls.


Oh I see, I had no idea the bio balls would trap the nitrate. Now if I want to get rid of my HOB filter what do I do for the bacteria? I was going to add the bio balls for a week or 2 and then remove the HOB. Will the nitrates go up? Also how long should it take for my water to start clearing because it is still cloudy?


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
you don't need the bio-balls.Your LR and LS will do the filtering for you.
Why don't you just do a good sized water change?


Well my water cleared up this morning, I think that was it, I do water changes once every 2 weeks. Because I am adding 1 gallon every other day for evap. What would you recommend to use instead of bio balls in the sump-wet/dry? See I want to get rid of the HOB filter. So i figured if I put the skimmer and balls in the wet/dry I can achieve this, but if they are a nitrate trap well I would rather not. IIwould rahter do it the right way from the beginging save trouble later on.....


Your sand and rock will provide the bacteria that you need.
Some include a refugium in the sump whick can include any of the following-sand,live rock rubble,macro algea.
My sump has 3 comparments,refugium(rock,macro algea),skimmer section and return section.


How much live rock can I put into a sump, 10gal, that will be safe? I have 20 lbs, just sitting there and would like to use it, it is fully cured and have no use for it in the tank.
I have it in a seperate tank with a power head on it waiting to be used..