Rookie Questions


Looking at the picture from left to right; the arrow pointing left is the skimmer, the arrow pointing into the sump is from the 1 inch drain, the arrow pointing down is the refugium and the arrow pointing to the left is where the pump is connected.
I have a few questions, first my tank is 92 gallons and it has been drilled, two holes 1 inch and ¾ inch. I currently have it filled with 50 gallons of RO/DI water (need to get more tonight) which leads me to my first question. I have approximately 50 pounds of Fiji Rock and 40 pounds of Solomon Rock and 120 pounds of sand, how much more water do you think I need to add to the already 50 gallons I have. Once I add the remaining water I need to add salt and let it sit with my power heads turned on until I get the salinity right.
My other question is when do I add the water to the refugium? I am just a little confused since I am mixing the salt myself in the display tank. And also what should the water levels be in the sump, refugium and where the pump is connected? I am just not sure of the process, I know you have to turn on the skimmer and pump after the cycle is complete, so is that when the water fills the sump and where the pump is located? So confusing, any help would be appreciated.
Thank You


DO NOT mix salt in the display case. I did that and I had hot spots all over my tank and I lost three fish because of it. Get a Plast bucket 35 GAL from walmart or Lowes and mix salt in it then add to the display case. They are not expensive.


I do not have any fish in the tank, it is a brand new set up. I read on this site that you could mix the salt in the tank when you are first setting up.


Active Member
yes, is ok to put the salt in the water on initial filling. just make sure you leave room for your rock and sand.
although, i don't have a refugium so i don't know if its the same.