Rookie w/ NewTank Needs Help

king kyle

New Member
Ok i just got in from the local store. My water has tested out ok and i am ready to begin my first ever tank but need some help.
1)I want to put in live rock but i dont want to put in too much how much do u like i should put in(my tank is 39gal)?
2)What kind of fish do u think i should get?

mr . salty

Active Member
You can put as much live rock in as you want,AS LONG AS IT IS CURED...If your not possative it CURED,then stick with smaller ammounts(5lbs)at a time about three weeks apart. For fish,You should stick with something simple and CHEAP for now.Like chromis,or clowns.This will cut your lossis if they should die untill your tank is mature...


Active Member
for a 39, i would suggest 40-50 lbs. lr. as for fish clowns are good and hardy. small fish that dont take up alot of the bioload are good. just no tangs, full size angels, or butteflys in there as they get too big. here are some fish that will go good in there---cherub pygmy angel, royal/black cap gramma, gobies, blennies (no dragonnetes), pseudochromis, six line wrasse, chromis/damsels, and some others. do some reading and research on fish and find out what you want for your tank. as for corals, im not real sure on that one, but i wouldnt add any until your cycle is completley finished and your tank is somewhat mature. bo
ps, this is the best bb on the net. dont be afraid to ask questions, and ask lots of them. you will always get a good knowledgeable answer here.


well first of all you need to make sure you have the right type of lighting and since coral isnt cheap i would wait awhile for your tank to mature and everythings healthy. I added my first piece of coral today (a yllow polyps) and miy tanks been running for aout 2 months now.


Grouper made some good suggestions for fish, and I'm with Eric on the coral..wait for it. The damsels are strong and hardy...but some have issues with them later on..