Room for another?

mike j

Hi there, I was just wondering if I had enough room in my tank for a foxface. I am coming down with some green hair algae and my crabs and snails are just barely keeping up with it. Inch wise, I think I may be at my limit for fish but they are all relatively light on the bioload (or so I think). Please, let me know your honest opinions.
I have a Brownbarred (Dragon) Goby, a Sixline Wrasse, 2 False Percs, and a Green Chromis.
Thanks for your input, it is appreciated.

mike j

Yes, must pet venomous fish :eek:
Me Smart. You?
Seriously though, anyone else think yay or nay about a foxface in this setup?

mike j

Anyone at all see stocking problems here? I would really like some more opinions so I don't waste money if that is the case.


Maybe getting a foxface sort of masking the problem!! How old are your light bulbs, or what is the spectrum. Hair algae grows a lot if the bulbs are old and the spectrum is gone.

mike j

Bulbs are new, I think the algae problem simply has to do with overfeeding. I read somewhere that gobies need plenty of food in the sand so I purposely overfed the fish so some would get to the bottom for the goby to consume throughout the day. However, I think he is getting enough food since I've cut back and the algae is receeding. Thanks everyone as I am the proud owner of a foxface now!!