Room for one more?


Active Member
Hey guys! Finally moved myself up to the big leagues and got some real SPS (the monti caps, which are near bullet proof, don't count...). After about a gallon of two-part and 2 30gal WC's, my calc level are up.
Started dripping kalk at night to maintain as well.
Picked up two baby colonies, a Bali Green Slimer and a Tri-Color. Enjoy!

You still have plenty of room in that tank. Once you start with SPS there is no going back, its a disease. If your married don't let your half know how much things cost, that is the first lesson I learned in this hobby. "$50 for a 1/4 piece of what!"


Very nice little colonies you've got there! They look great. And yes, there's still TONS of space left to fill up.
Only way around the cost conversation with the spouse is to foster / encourage him/her with a high-dollar hobby of his/her own.



Active Member
nice looking frags! they should grow quickly, but youre going to want more, lots more... you'll find every little ledge that could hold a frag and not be happy with the look of the tank until a purple/blue/yellow/red/or green stick is glued to every available space in the tank...

Originally Posted by IOWAFISH
Only way around the cost conversation with the spouse is to foster / encourage him/her with a high-dollar hobby of his/her own.

I like his thinking.... fortunately (or unfortunately), my girlfriend already has one.... its called shopping!!


Active Member
Thanks guys! No spouse to worry about yet, so good for now .
I definitely want to get a couple more. Want something red and something blue. Any suggestions? For the red, I was thinking a Pocillopora damicornis
, and a Birdsnest? For the blue, wasn't sure. I want something that's sort of naturally blue, colored like the SWF background, not a 'false blue' caused because of the actnics. I've seen something called "Blue Acropora Coral" which isn't exactly very helpful.
There are alot of blue corals out there. Check other sites as well, there are alot of posts else where with pics. If you want true red then a chili coral is really red. There not photosynthenic and I don't how well they live in tanks, look it up and see. I just sold some red with blue polyp acro. I got it online and I don't have anymore right now. It grows like a weed so I may have some in a month or two if your interested. Anyway there are a few more reds out there.
IOWAFISH if I get my wife into an expensive hobby I'll have to sell more corals to keep her in her hobby. I need the money to buy salt and bulbs.

Make sure your parameters are good for birdsnest, and your flow is on the highside. I've had two kick the bucket on me and two live. The flow was the big thing in my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by privatejoker
There are alot of blue corals out there. Check other sites as well, there are alot of posts else where with pics. If you want true red then a chili coral is really red. There not photosynthenic and I don't how well they live in tanks, look it up and see. I just sold some red with blue polyp acro. I got it online and I don't have anymore right now. It grows like a weed so I may have some in a month or two if your interested. Anyway there are a few more reds out there.
IOWAFISH if I get my wife into an expensive hobby I'll have to sell more corals to keep her in her hobby. I need the money to buy salt and bulbs.

Make sure your parameters are good for birdsnest, and your flow is on the highside. I've had two kick the bucket on me and two live. The flow was the big thing in my tank.
A 4000gph Wave2k, (2) Sureflow MaxiMods, and a Mag18 return pump, on a 125gal, enough flow?


Active Member
Originally Posted by privatejoker
You still have plenty of room in that tank. Once you start with SPS there is no going back, its a disease. If your married don't let your half know how much things cost, that is the first lesson I learned in this hobby. "$50 for a 1/4 piece of what!"
I wife says WTF????? 200 bucks for WHAT???? I just hold my head down in she doesn't see my smile......heh heh heh
I tired to get my wife into but thats a long hard road and this tank already takes up alot of my energy. I'll just have to keep hiding my credit card bills and telling her I bought it for the business. By the way I'm in construction so I'll have to really pull a fast one.


Active Member
Got two more yay!

Two types of Poccilopora, a red and a green. The camera washed out the green one a bit.
Unfortunately had to move the Bali Green Slimer, my Hawiian Blue Spot Puffer was apparently flossing on it, so he's over on the right side of the tank, in BTA land. Hopefully the nem's can keep their distance while he recovers.



Active Member
very nice! give it a few months, and ur sps will look awesome. keep the updated pics coming.


Active Member
Thanks. I think you can see some nice progress already. Check out the tri-color in both sets, looks dull and brown in the first post (when I just got it), but in the new pics looks nice and heathly, and a very pretty purple/blue color and the encrusting base seemed to increase by a lot.