Roomates don't get it.


So I came home last night to see my lights were off two hours early. My roomate had turned them off because he wanted to watch a movie. I got pretty heated. I asked him when he wanted them to go off and reset my schedule to be on during the day while we're at work. They'll go off so early now that no one will be able to enjoy it. I give it about one week before he starts complaining that he never gets to look at it.
No matter what you tell some people they just don't get it. It's like the time I came home and found cherios floating in my tank. OHOH, the hermits were hungry. How many times did I tell you they don't need to be fed? HOW MANY TIMES?
If something like this happenes one more time I'm just breaking the tank down, moving it into my room and making it a frag tank.


Originally Posted by emm0909
So I came home last night to see my lights were off two hours early. My roomate had turned them off because he wanted to watch a movie. I got pretty heated. I asked him when he wanted them to go off and reset my schedule to be on during the day while we're at work. They'll go off so early now that no one will be able to enjoy it. I give it about one week before he starts complaining that he never gets to look at it.
No matter what you tell some people they just don't get it. It's like the time I came home and found cherios floating in my tank. OHOH, the hermits were hungry. How many times did I tell you they don't need to be fed? HOW MANY TIMES?
If something like this happenes one more time I'm just breaking the tank down, moving it into my room and making it a frag tank.

I'd get a new roommate.
Who needs movies when you can watch your tank.


Active Member
cheerios?! lol..sounds like what a little kid would he looks thirsty lets give him some pepsi...agreed, who needs movies


Originally Posted by Bronco300
cheerios?! lol..sounds like what a little kid would he looks thirsty lets give him some pepsi...agreed, who needs movies

Man you are giving me nightmares! LOL My youngest son was about 4 at the time. This was when everyone said "no tank smaller than a 30 gallon" remember those days? anyway I had this 10 gallon that I set up with a couple of small items. All went well for almost 2 years, then, Patrick gave them a drink of Coke. Boy was I mad.


Active Member
If you have the lease on the apartment, or house tell them to leave the lights alone, period....end of discussion.
If not, then see about turning the television in another direction.


Active Member
Kill him...we got your back bro. Just kidding.
Seriously though. Maybe a black paper or something that can be taped to the front and sides of the tank????
On a side note, when my boys were 4 & 6 I awoke one morning to find a whole bag of carrots, apples, lettuce, and hot dogs in my 55 fish only tank.
Now the oldest is studying to be a marine biologist. Go figure.


Take your roommate back to the LFS and see if they will give you credit for him
. Some will you might just have to flush him


HAHAHA. Yea, the real problem is that he owns the house. Thats why I just set the lights so that he can never enjoy it. He loves it and I'm willing to put money on it that he will complain friday when the lights are off for the last five hours he's awake. I can hear it now.
All my friends come over to look at the thing and now they are all going to ba asking why the lights are never on.


Originally Posted by donald
Take your roommate back to the LFS and see if they will give you credit for him
. Some will you might just have to flush him

hahaahahh thats a really good one!! second that


So does he just want the light off when he's watching a movie, or watching TV in general? How many times has he turned them off? If he's only done this once or twice, I don't see what the big deal is. You're telling me turning the lights off a couple hours early once or twice a week is going to

up your tank? I can see where it might affect corals and such, if they're dependent on getting so much light per day. But if the tank is fish-only, I don't think they'll care what the light schedule is if it only happens occassionally. What kind of lights do you have? If you have a multi-bulb fixture, set it so he can just turn of the daylight bulbs. Having just actinics or moonlights on shouldn't give that much of a glare on the TV screen.


I had the lights on:
Daylights 2-10pm
Actinics 2-12am
It is not a fish only tank. I'm really trying to get everything on a good, consistant schedule. It hasn't happend more than once. I just would rather it not happen again. Do you think with the coral in there it'll be affected by lights switching off several hours early once in a while?


Active Member
Originally Posted by emm0909
I had the lights on:
Daylights 2-10pm
Actinics 2-12am
It is not a fish only tank. I'm really trying to get everything on a good, consistant schedule. It hasn't happend more than once. I just would rather it not happen again. Do you think with the coral in there it'll be affected by lights switching off several hours early once in a while?
The sun is on a schedule but the weather is not.Corals don't always get sun light.


Active Member
Originally Posted by digitydash
The sun is on a schedule but the weather is not.Corals don't always get sun light.

I agree, corals dont die during a storm, nor do they die during a week of cloudy weather. Who knows, a day off from the beating sun could be good for them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sk8shorty01
I agree, corals dont die during a storm, nor do they die during a week of cloudy weather. Who knows, a day off from the beating sun could be good for them.
that actually makes a lot of sense..never thought about it like that


Active Member
There is a local fish store near me that actually shuts all the lights off over his tank once a month (for the entire day) and his corals are all quite big, always show growth and are always full of color. He is the one that explained it to me that way, and I figure it works with their natural surroundings to some extent. Maybe they will actually be more healthy under scheduled lighting (with a break on occasion).


Active Member
I am extremely lucky that my girlfriend, roommate, plasma, and tanks can all peacefully co-exist